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New Grampian Champion

Just heard the news...our U-Ch Grampian Lola Tortola Viking, JH, RN, WC, CGC, CC is now an AKC Champion!
She earned back to back majors in PA this weekend with Kathy Mines!! Thank You Kathy!!
And thank you - Robin for sharing Lola with me!!!
What a birthday present for ROBIN!!
Huge congrats from the Riff Raff Gang!!

Re: New Grampian Champion

congratulations Gerrie and Robin. You guys are having an incredible year!

Re: New Grampian Champion

Congratulations to both of you --- and to Gladys Rogers as well. What a great month Grampian is having!


Re: New Grampian Champion

Congratulations Lola, Gerrie and Robin. Wonderful news!

Re: New Grampian Champion

Way to go! Nice Job Lola, Robin, Gerrie & Kathy

Re: New Grampian Champion

HOORAY FOR LOLA!!! Brother Merlin is very very proud of his champion sister!!!
barb and the raptor labs

congrats to Robin/Gerrie/Kathy
way to go team Grampian!

Re: New Grampian Champion

Oh My God!!!! Yahoooooooooo Bid Kudos to You All!!
We have admired Lola for some time...
She is the Contessa
of " Poetry in Motion"!

Re: New Grampian Champion

Thank you everyone. Lola appreciated the support at the shows, and so do I. Robin