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Female with swollen vulva

HI all, I have a question...
My female dog came in from outside and had a swollen littel spot on her vulva, tt was red and irritated, I put Hydrocortisone ointment on it, and have been about three times a day since. but it is not getting much better. It is not red anymore, but is still driving her nuts and she scoots on the floor alot,
Any ideas?
It has been three days

Re: Female with swollen vulva

Do you think maybe she got stung by something?

Re: Female with swollen vulva

Does she have any discharge? Odor? My girl did that once. She had vaginitis. She was rubbing it on the concrete and my carpet becuase she had some discharge. I put her one yogurt and apple cider vinegar for a week and she was much better.

Re: Female with swollen vulva

I havent seen any discharge, but it is driving her crazy and me a long with her!
it is one side of the outer part that has a bump on it.
It was real red at first now its just a bump.
Maybe I should take her to the Vet?
She ant even concentrate she just goes in circles. I feel bad for her. someone told me to get the Lotramin, any ideas or experience with that?

Re: Female with swollen vulva

I did find some bull nettle out back where she goes out to potty!
I wonder if she got into that

Re: Female with swollen vulva

this is the same pup that has the runny poo/itchy spot on vulva. they are not linked to the same problem though :) sorry !

Re: Female with swollen vulva

Could very well be a knat bite. Knats are around later than usual this spring. One of my boys had one on his unit and it was swollen and red for a few days, itched him like crazy, the swelling and redness went away but the bump was there for a couple weeks along with the itchiness. Did you try giving her benadryl to counteract the itchiness?

Re: Female with swollen vulva

HI all, I have a question...
My female dog came in from outside and had a swollen littel spot on her vulva, tt was red and irritated, I put Hydrocortisone ointment on it, and have been about three times a day since. but it is not getting much better. It is not red anymore, but is still driving her nuts and she scoots on the floor alot,
Any ideas?
It has been three days

I would get her to the vet. You'll get many ideas from the board but no one but the vet will know what it truly is. It is too long to wait if it's *driving her nuts*. I would call your vet immediately in the morning and get the earliest appointment possible.

I don't know if hydrocortisone ointment should be used on a bitch's vulva, they don't recommend it on humans in that area unless prescribed by a gynecologist. It usually is not advised to be used there tho.

She could have a rash, a bite, an infection, STD or alot of other things. This is becoming a guessing game. Try the vet, why allow her to suffer like this if the vet may have an immediate answer and treatment?

Any chance she's in whelp? Either way, get to your vet, this is going on for over 3 days.

Re: Female with swollen vulva

Get her to the vet.