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Bare Bones - 2010

My dear friends and members of the LRCP.........

Why not try to make Bare Bones event as big as the spring show?
Why not all the lab breeders, owners and friends, coud not come to this event witch is in our own place, in Warrenton, with a nice hotel structure?
I´ll be very glad and happy to be together with all my lab friends twice a year, and why not, share this idea with you all>
Hope to get some replies just to repass to the club board members, and trying to get as much people as possible at this show.
Count on you all.

Paulo Cimerman
Brazil & USA

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

Don't forget about the National! They put on a nice show that moves around the country every year. The clubs that help put on a great show. I would think that the LRCP show committee is exhausted after one HUGE show. Maybe we should have a second huge show on the other side of the country each year. I am in the middle and typically can't attend Potomac.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

Unfortunetely the National, Mid Jersey specialty and Bare Bones are all within the same month, which makes it hard for us people with full time jobs who have to take off work to attend. Have to pick and choose which ones to go to, even though would love to go to them all! Would love to see more specialties being held on weekends, or even a Fri/Sat instead of Thurs/Fri.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

specialty shows on the weekend would be very nice but most all-breed clubs have the weekend dates already taken so it is nearly impossible for a specialty club to get a week end date. when the club I am in picked their specialty date they tried very hard to get a week end date but none were available in our area.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

My dear friends and members of the LRCP.........

Why not try to make Bare Bones event as big as the spring show?
Why not all the lab breeders, owners and friends, coud not come to this event witch is in our own place, in Warrenton, with a nice hotel structure?
I´ll be very glad and happy to be together with all my lab friends twice a year, and why not, share this idea with you all>
Hope to get some replies just to repass to the club board members, and trying to get as much people as possible at this show.
Count on you all.

Paulo Cimerman
Brazil & USA

I believe it was named *Bare Bones* for a reason Paulo.

Paulo, if you're an LRCP member, perhaps you can do the preparation of all the things you would like if the *new* board passed it? You could be the assistant to the show chair person and do all the work involved. Why that location? I never heard of it. Is it just to have a hotel sight?

I doubt it will happen but maybe you should contact whoever the show chair is for Bare Bones and let them know you're offering your services. Posting on here will get you no place with your ideas for a club honestly. Speak up to the people on the LRCP board would be my suggestion.

Good luck with your ideas, time to go right to the new board with it! If you wait too long, nothing can happen this year or ever. Board posting doesn't cut the mustard.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

As the Bare Bones 2010 Show Chair I am thrilled with offers to help! My email is at the bottom of the message for any of the Wiscoy board members who would like to be involved. There is still plenty of room for sponsoring ribbons, prizes, working the raffle, site preparation, site clean-up, and much much more. Many hands make light work and contribute to a show being a lot of fun too.
The previous poster is correct on the "Bare Bones" show definition. Bare Bones was not designed to be another Potomac, but to be complimentary 'Bare Bones' show. Having said that it doesn't mean we would not want to see more dogs in the ring, and increase attendance.
I look forward to seeing everyone's lovely dogs in the ring this coming October 29, 2020, and also at the supported entries on the following two days at Middleburg.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

Sorry folks, but ever since the standard controversy, the National is in no way comparable to the Potomac. Just sayin'...

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

According to the past issues, and event, LRCP sponsor as well the Middleburg KC during the weekend. This is also a reason to TRY to get as much people as possible, cause both show places are really close.
We also have to consider the OPORTUNITY to be with our friends.
Also, I really think that there´s no relation betwen the National and this event from the LRCP.
I´m only trying to propose this oportunity to congregate as much people as possible.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

The California breeders are working hard to make this years National a real "Happening" with a conformation show with breeder judges the day before,and great hospitality.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

According to the past issues, and event, LRCP sponsor as well the Middleburg KC during the weekend. This is also a reason to TRY to get as much people as possible, cause both show places are really close.
We also have to consider the OPORTUNITY to be with our friends.
Also, I really think that there´s no relation betwen the National and this event from the LRCP.
I´m only trying to propose this oportunity to congregate as much people as possible.

Dear Paulo,
An army of help is needed for what you would like to happen. The same people work the LRCP events yearly. Do you volunteer to work different shows or attend meetings regularly?

There are always new members joining the LRCP but it's always the old-timers in the club doing the majority of the work. I personally feel a fee should be set-up for all members. If they don't work for example 4 times a year at LRCP events, they don't get that fee back. I'm not referring to a small fee, I mean like $500 a person. Watch and see how many then work for the club if that happens.

A $35.00 yearly membership fee means nothing to most people. Some breeders have clubs in their own states much closer to them but think it's prestigious to be an LRCP member so they join. Sure, with the Potomac show being the biggest and best, the LRCP has prestige in it's name but all of the breeders need to help out in some way. Not the same 5% to 10% that seem to every year. If you listen to the names called at the Potomac show, it's always the same people except for a few newer ones especially. Those few aren't many.

So unless you and other breeders that don't normally help are willing to get your asses in gear and work hard for this to happen, it isn't going to. I'm sorry to disappoint you but the club needs worker and not just selling catalogues for a couple of hours.

I said my piece. Some of you won't like it but it's the truth. It happens in most Labrador or other breed Clubs but it's more noticeable in the LRCP because of the no.'s of dogs and breeders attending the Potomac every year.

It's time for everyone to ptich in and help or you can't make suggestions on a posting board and expect it to happen.

Donating Baccarat is helpful, sure but it's not enough. Workers are needed for every job throughout the year, not just for the Potomac or Bare Bones show.

Help your club get everyone to work and you might get what you want eventually.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

Dear Breeder 20.
First of all, I´d love to have your identity, just to make things much more clarify.
Write here, hiding your identity, and TRYING to get things more coplicated, and also, trying to disapoint other people, is soomething that we are not looking for.
ME, by myself, and also, the LRCP direction members, are always looking for something NEW, good for everyone, and just focusing to CONGREGATE people, even not members of the club.
Write, say, and critise, is very EASY for everyone, but MAKE THINGS happen, is much more difficult.
The Potomac show, the biggest in the world, is something that ALL people are looking for, and they , for sure, recognize all the efforts the people evolved do for that to make it happen.
Also, the number of people who always come to the show is growing up, even from abroad.
Donation, is not enough ,and I agree with you, BUT is something that I did, by myself, and others already done........this kind of actitudes HELP the club to make a good event, and has lots of reasons to be like this way.
Is not only donations for auctions, but for the rosettes, trphees, etc........
Get the hotel, the places, the judges, and all the structure takes time, money, and efforts from a lot of people. Be sure of that.
The LRCP is proud of be one labrador club witch has the recognition all around the world, and the Potomac event shows that to everyone.
Unfortunatly, you are not disapointing me, or even others from the boeard members.....and be sure that, next year, this event will be bigger than this one from 2010.
New directors, new board members, and new mentality is just arriving for the club, and specially for the BREED. I´m sure all the people will have the oportunity to have lots of fun, and why not, much more events.
Hope this reply could explain my PERSONAL position, and clarify to you WHY I proposed that for Bare Bones as well.

Re: Bare Bones - 2010

I think Paulo's suggestions are very good. All clubs are looking to increase entries and this is one way to do it.

As for the comment that a Silent Auction donation just doesn't cut it as far as helping .. bad form. I have only been to two Potomacs - 2009 and 2010 - being quite new to Labs, but both years I brought something for the Silent Auction or the Raffle table to support the Club and as a thank you for the hospitality and the work they did to put on the show. Will be thinking twice about doing it next year if this is all the appreciation one receives for doing so. People do what they can to help, and while it may not be the same as pounding tent pegs into the ground, it is still helping the Show Committee in some way.

I also thanked as many of the show committee as I saw for their effort and hard work. I used to hold 3 or 4 horse shows a year at my farm and am well aware of the behind the scenes effort that must go into putting on a show as large as the Potomac.

And then to slap down someone in public for suggesting some changes to the current format - again, BAD FORM.