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Hunt Test Prep in New England

I am interested in training my dogs for hunt tests but am not sure where to start. I am not a hunter and my husband hunts only casually. However, the dogs love being out on birds and I think it would be fun to train them for hunt tests to see what kind of aptitude they have. My dogs have a great obedience foundation, I just need help with the hunt work. Can anyone recommend trainers in New Hampshire? Or in a neighboring state? I do not intend to send my dogs away to anyone. I would like to participate in their training and ultimately prepare myself to handle them.

Thanks in advance for any input!

Re: Hunt Test Prep in New England

Contact Dave Sears of Riverbenz Retrievers in Fremont, NH. He's terrific and has training to suit everyone.

Also if you are in southern NH (Manchester/Nashua) we get together to train informally at local orchards and grounds. You can email me.

Re: Hunt Test Prep in New England

Buck Shope is a professional trainer in MA. He conduct workshops and he also helps teach you how to train.

There are also many clubs in New England that in many cases have training groups ....

Entry Express lists the many clubs that do hunt tests

Usually clubs have their web sites or contact info with them on the entry info.

Great Boston Lab Ret Club does hunt tests amd a WC/WCI... maybe someone who is a Greater Boston member could pipe in about any training groups.

There are also two clubs in Maine ... they aren't Lab clubs but are clubs that do retriver training ... one is Maine .. the other is Penobscot.

Lake Champlain in VT ... has a very active retriever club that does hunt tests, training sessions and field trials.

Re: Hunt Test Prep in New England

I second both the trainers recommended in the above posts.

I haven't personally worked with Dave Sears, but have heard great things. I got started with Buck and thoroughly recommend him. He is very patient and helpful to newbies. He has experience with a number of conformation bred dogs.

Good luck!

Re: Hunt Test Prep in New England

Greater Boston has a tuesday night training group at Delaney in Stow MA. We have a WC coming up july 18th in Hopkinton NH - premium on the website at