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Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Hi All !!! They just called and said Lola is the proud mother of a baby girl !!!! The vet said that they didn't have to do much to the puppy, just suction her a bit and clean her up. I was told she came out of the gate full of wiggles. Those wiggle apples don't fall far from the Lola Tree. Thank you all for your advise on this thread. I know bitches have c-sections all the time and that breeders lose entire litters which is very sad. I'm so thankful that we are bringing our very " Pricy " puppy home alive and healthy !!!! Now to come up with a most excellent AKC name and call name !!

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Yay! Way to go Lola. She will be one happy mama with her prized singleton. May she grow up to be the special 'one' you've been dreaming of. I am sure she will name herself when the time is right.

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Congratulations!! I'm so glad to see this update.

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

I think you named her at the start of this thread, lol. And it has your name in it. Kennel name Lil Bundle Of Joy.

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Congrats. Maybe she should be called "One in a Million" :)

Good luck with the baby!

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Yay! Congrats! For a name ..... something to do with "Champaign Taste" on a beer budget!

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

"Champaign Taste" on a beer budget! Hahahaha..Now I think you are onto something with that name !!!! Every time we eat at a mexican restaurant, I look through the alcohol menu, trying to come up with interesting AKC names. We aleady own one " Booze " Labrador so why not add another !! Thanks for that Lisa !!!! Every now and then I will slip up and call Bonzai, Whiskey, his old name. I'll have to post lots of cute photos on my facebook as Lola's daughter grows.

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Hi All !!! They just called and said Lola is the proud mother of a baby girl !!!! The vet said that they didn't have to do much to the puppy, just suction her a bit and clean her up. I was told she came out of the gate full of wiggles. Those wiggle apples don't fall far from the Lola Tree. Thank you all for your advise on this thread. I know bitches have c-sections all the time and that breeders lose entire litters which is very sad. I'm so thankful that we are bringing our very " Pricy " puppy home alive and healthy !!!! Now to come up with a most excellent AKC name and call name !!

Congratulations on your new girl Joy! It sounds like you took the young bull of a vet by his horns he he. Now, you have your choice *if* you want to breed her again. Your girl, your choice. No thinking *should I or shouldn't I have done this spay* now or in later months. Wishing Lola and her new daughter excellent health and a great Mum & daughter relationship.

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Thank you !!!! I'm up at this aweful hour, supervising Layla's choco litter while she nurses. I've got Lola and her lone puppy upstairs where I am sleeping until I know she has shaken off the anesthesia.

Lola's little female puppy only weighed 14 oz yesterday. That is the smallest puppy for these lines. I wonder why she didn't grow bigger without other pups in there to hog room and nutrition ?

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Morning! Hope you got SOME sleep last night! Remember, good things come in small packages sometimes!

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Joy, 3 years ago, Onyx had a litter of just 2 boys. Now mind you, I had had a litter just before her of 10 pups all weighing in at 1+ pounds. Onyx's 2 boys weighed 8 ounces, and 11 ounces. They are both about 80 pounds now. Could she have absorbed some pups?

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

I suppose it is possible she absorbed a few pups but she never really started showing any signs of pregnancy until around week 5 and that was only her nipples getting bigger. I started feeding her more on her last 3 weeks cause she seemed thin to me. Lola normally weighs around 87 pounds but when I took her in for radiographs she weighed 96 pounds. That is why I'm surprised that her puppy was so small. Lola's sides had barely expanded but when she laid down, she looked thick.
Lola was restless last night so I didn't get any sleep. I'm sure she was uncomfortable with that c-section. The vet sent me home with some Rimadyl but I never gave her any. They had already given her some sort of pain med before hand. They said they don't know how Rimadyl affects nursing puppies so I decided to hold off on it. She seems more calm this morning and in full awareness of her little princess nursing on her.

Every since Layla ( choco girl ) accidently squashed one of her baby boys on day 2 post whelp, I haven't slept that good. I put her in her crate around 11:00 pm then I head upstairs. Layla will be body slamming inside her crate, whining and howling 3 to 4 hours later so I get up to let her nurse her pups. I had been letting her nurse then take her out of the xpen area where the pool is and letting her have run of the downstairs when I go upstairs or run errands. Well, I'd come home and find her in her crate, nursing her pups. This scenerio is oh so familiar because as 4 month old puppies, Layla and her sister Angie pulled this disappearing out of their 5 foot tall expen play area. I couldn't figure out how they were getting out and I'd find the girl running around downstairs having a grand old time. I put them back in their expen area, shut the door so they would think I left. As soon as I would hear some noise, I would crack the door open and witnessed both girls jumping on the side of the xpen to where it would bend over enough for the girls to jump out. The expen would go right back up to standing position as if nothing was touched.
IT's a pain when you have such " Crafty " Labradors

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

When my singleton was taken via C section the vet found quite a bit of brown residue. We sent it out for culture. No bacteria. Vet and repro vet believe it was resorped pups.

My singleton sadly didn't make it and he only weighed 12 oz. I was surprised he wasn't bigger.

So glad you have a wonderful healthy girl. Wishing you all the best with her.

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

Thanks Patty, Did your singlton puppy survive the c-section then later die at your home ? How long did he make it before passing ?

This little girl puppy seems to be quite the live wire.

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

We worked on him for over 30 minutes at the vet, with CPR, epinephrin (sp), oxygen and magnets but the poor little guy didn't make it.

The problem was that in doing progesterone to be sure the pup was ready (advised to be at 2 or below) she dropped to 2.5 and went back up to 4 the next day and it was day 65 and I was advised by repro vet to not wait any longer.

So I really don't know why he didn't survive. My vet believes the pup was in there too long but who knows....

I still think of him often but he is at the bridge with his full brother (from the next breeding) that was born aspirated and didn't survive.

So glad to hear your girl was born strong and is a "live wire".

Re: Lola's Lil Bundle of Joy

My little singleton boy did great. Always up there eating. Was regular size by 8 weeks. Think with a C, that first week of gaining weight is slower. Good luck with all of them and keep us posted.