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contract for boarding?

does anyone have a contract for boarding a dog that they are willing to share? I'm looking for one that includes something like a hold harmless clause. Thanks for any help!

Re: contract for boarding?

Sue, I think I might have one that was done for a friend's boarding kennel a few years back. If I can find it tonight, I'll e-mail it to you FYI. It was done in Canada so if you're in the USA, you'll have to customize it for your circumstances.

Re: contract for boarding?

That would be great! Much easier to customize than the ones I found on the internet that have nothing to do with dogs or boarding!

Re: contract for boarding?

I would love a copy of this boarding contract too to compare. Can you email it to me too? Thank you much!

Re: contract for boarding?

If I can find it tonight/over the weekend amongst all the old files I've got squirreled away on archive, not a problem.

Re: contract for boarding?

You can also visit different boarding kennel websites. Im sure some will have their contract online.