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Transitional Vertebra

As noted by OFA. Personal experiences on the dog, on breeding program, etc. thoughts welcome.... TIA!

Re: Transitional Vertebra

I have one here, just had her finals done a few months ago. She does get sore every once in a while, almost like she has a pinched nerve. Usually only lasts a day or so. Have decided to try to breed her, vet and I have discussed it in detail and so far she is doing fine. We are trying to keep her calm and quiet as we cannot give her anything for pain if she has an episode during her pregnancy. I did search for information regarding the Transitional Vertebrae and it was thought that it isn't genetic, some dogs have symptoms others nothing at all.

Good luck, would certainly love to hear others experiences with this.

Re: Transitional Vertebra

I have a pet female with tv too. She was my best obedience dog, but can not safely work because of her back. We were getting ready to show for her UD and she kept having issues, like crying out and holding up one leg, grabbing her tail, and some leaking. Originally it was thought that she hurt a hip flexor muscle but it all comes down to the tv. Some dogs never have an issue. My girl is retired, but she does live a very happy life and gets adjusted regulary (which really seems to help). We don't allow her to play rough with the other dogs - no body slamming allowed and no humping! For me personally it was heartbreaking to have to retire her and for her too it was a huge adjustment because she loves to work. Swimming is her favorite thing and I am told the best exercise for her. I was also told not to walk her on hard surfaces because of the impact so we walk her on a field in the grass. There are times when I can tell her back is bothering her and will get her to the chiropractor and massage her. Other times she seems completely normal, but all it takes it the wrong move at the wrong time and she is uncomfortable.

Re: Transitional Vertebra

Well funny to see this as I have not seen it brought up before. I have a dog here who has an OFA reading "trasitional Vertebra"
He is 6 now, has never taken a bad or lame step, is rugged as hell, hikes 10-15 mile hikes and is generally a roughneck. I have taken his OFA's to several excellent orthopedic vets and none of them can even see it. He has produced a lot of pups and not one has ever had this diagnosis.
I never went back to OFA to see how all three consulting vets read the x-rays but as with anything else these are somewhat subjective. However if you have a dog with this diagnosis and the dog is sore or "pinchey" have you considered chiropractic manipulation which might help?
If I had a dog who was lame as a pup or had any issues with appearing "pinched" and then I got a "TV" diagnosis I would consider it a problem. I wonder how many "TV" ratings are given out by OFA.
I might just do some research on this.
Thanks for bringing it up.

Re: Transitional Vertebra

A breeder friend has brought up the subject of chiropractic care, and we are going to see if we can find someone qualified to give her this additional care.
If she is actually PG I wonder if we should wait to start any treatments?? We have also considered acupuncture as well. Would love to hear more from others as this is a very new thing for me to have to care for.

Re: Transitional Vertebra

I have 2 and never a problem. They are strong healthy and go on forever. Some say that it causes and increase in HD. Both have passed? My vet says to go ahead and breed.