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Kennel Cough

How old do those who vaccinate their puppies for kennel cough do it at? I have Intertract nose spray in my refrigerator, and I usually do it with their 12 week distemper. It says you can do it anytime after 3 weeks. Does anyone vaccinate that young. I have a litter of 8 week old puppies that just went home (I have one here that I kept) and a litter of 6 week old puppies. I took my 8 week old puppies for their litter exam last week, and they went home yesterday and today. I got a call from a family that says their girl was coughing this morning, went to her vet visit and they said it was kennel cough. Another family I called that lives nearby said she also went to her first visit this morning after picking up yesterday and she said the vet heard nothing, but early this morning she heard her cough a bit, but it was dark out and thought she ate grass. I am very worried about my 6 week puppies, and don't know if i should vaccinate, or if it would even help at this point. Any help would be great. My adults all get vaccinated every 6 months, but am worried about my keeper(who I heard cough once) and my younger puppies. Thanks.

Re: Kennel Cough

Give them all a nasal vaccine immediately, take temps frequently and keep Robatussin on hand in case the coughing gets out of control. If there is ANY nasal discharge, lethargy, loss of appetite, or fever get to a vet Pronto! KC with puppies is no fun but secondary infection is your biggest worry. If I were you I would call all your puppy families and warn them it is coming. The coughing can be very disturbing to a non dog family. It is disturbing to a dog person for that matter! Get out in front of it.

Re: Kennel Cough

The best remedy for KCough is Cough Drops from Thomas Laboratories, you give 3 times a days and they are almost clear by the 2nd day. Incredible but true!