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Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

I was wondering if a 1 pound gain of weight is typical for a singlton puppy ? She weighed 14 oz at birth then 2 days later she weighs 15 oz. How many oz a day should she be gaining ?

I usually don't bother weighing my pups out of a normal size litter unless I see a puppy obviously lagging behind then I pull out the scales.

Lola has been doing something odd, I've never seen my girls do before. Every time it's time for Lola to leave her pup to do a potty run, she will wrap her puppy up inside the little hand towel which lays on a heating she looks like a little burrito. I guess Lola senses her puppy is going to get chilled not having other litter mates to snuggle with.

Both Layla and Lola have this huge desire to sneak out beside our garage and tunnel in their favorite spots when I let them out to potty. I have to go out with them to supervise. When I am scolding them for even thinking about tunneling in their dirty hole, they will run over to the inside of the igloos and take turns rooting around like mad dogs. That nesting syndrome seems super amped up this time around.

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

2 days after a section- I would have her on a flexi lead, definitely not unsupervised.

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

She was on a leash the first coulple days then she would not have a bm so I let her go out in the back yard with me right there watching her. She is going to get too frustrated if I don't let her do anything but stay in with her puppy day in and day out . If she feels the need to dig around in the igloos for a few minutes, no harm done and it's better than her sneaking off to dig in the dirt, throwing dirt up in her incision area.

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

I believe that what "wouldn't" means is not leaving her alone at all so she can't rip her stitches from the C while digging in the yard or any other way. Leash walks are safest until she heals. Just like any surgery.

As for the weight of your pup just weigh daily and be sure she is gaining. And not gaining too much.

The main concern with a singleton is that they gain too much as they have no comptetion at the milk bar.

You will have to look at her, monitor her weight and decide from there (how much you will allow her to nurse).

I had a litter of 2 and didn't have to worry. Mom only produced enought milk for those two so perhaps your girl will do the same.

I was worried but my too pups did not get over weight. However, I waited till about 5 weeks to start feeding gruel just to be sure they would not gain too quickly.

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

I have a singleton who turns 4 weeks old tomorrow. He started at 10 ounces. When he was whelped I didn't give him a very good chance (tough delivery, uterine inertia) but we did everything we could and now he is thriving! The first couple days the gain was slight, then an ounce a day, then a couple ounces a day and so on. As long as she is gaining she is fine. My pup is now running,barking and playing with our 16 month old boy... Good luck!

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

I usually do not say a word on here, but really? A 4 week old playing with a 16 MONTH old. I don't care how cute that is or how nice the other pup is one bump could hurt that pup. Good luck with your little one!

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

I am thinking they are referring to a 16 month old baby human or the 4 weeks old tomorrow was a typo.

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

Human. Very closely supervised. I'm not looking for comments or wanting to hijack the thread, just trying to reassure the OP that her tiny little pup would soon be full of life and interacting with the world...

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

Lola's little puppy is starting to grow and will soon catch up to the " Chubby Brown Pups " soon !! I think Lola's milk production really started to kick in, now the little piggie is going from one nipple to the next until she is statisfied.

I'm trying to figure out how to introduce this singlton to our 8 choco pups when she is 3 or 4 weeks old. My idea was to just put her in with the chocolate pups full time then take her out for Lola to nurse then back in with the other pups. I don't want to feak Lola out but I don't want this singleton to grow up by herself. She'll be better adjusted if she can learn to play with the other puppies or else, I'm afraid if she hangs out with us humans all the time, she might start to think she is human.

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

Have you considered taking a couple of the pups from the other litter and letting Lola raise them? That way there will be competition at the milk bar and the puppy will have "littermates". Just a thought.

Re: Lola's Singlton Puppy's growth

Yes, I did consider that option except that I am worried that should Lola pass on the HV to her singlton pup then I stick a few other choco pups in with Lola to raise, then I could take a chance on losing more pups. I figure that if the Lola's only pup is doing fine by 3 weeks, then the chances of her coming down with HV is probalby not going to be a problem. I had taken Lola to this busy vet hospital for radiographs just days before she had her c-section. The waiting room had 6 or 7 dogs in with their owners both days we took Lola in. Who knows what is lingering around the floors and outside on the ground where other visiting dogs go potty.