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need email for Gail Shearer

I have an email address for Gail but am not sure if it is correct.

Would someone please send me a private email with Gail's email address.


Re: need email for Gail Shearer

Re: need email for Gail Shearer

wrong kennel.....


Re: need email for Gail Shearer

ummmmmm..... right kennel - They coown a few with Liz.

If you wish for their actual site:

Re: need email for Gail Shearer

I emailed the original poster with Gail's email and cell phone number. I also passed on that you are trying to reach her.

I believe the person who listed my website did so because Tom & Gail's working email address is listed on Cutter's page. It was not inappropriate to do so.


Re: need email for Gail Shearer

Elizabeth Martin
I emailed the original poster with Gail's email and cell phone number. I also passed on that you are trying to reach her.

I believe the person who listed my website did so because Tom & Gail's working email address is listed on Cutter's page. It was not inappropriate to do so.


Website information is public knowledge last time I checked. You're right Liz, it was not inappropriate. Email addresses and especially a phone no. that aren't public should never be posted. This was on a website so there's nothing wrong with it being posted in reply to an inquiry.

Re: need email for Gail Shearer

Glad everyone finally connected. I would NEVER post anyone's contact info that wasn't in the public domain as I know I wouldn't appreciate it.