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Had a blood sample sent ot Antech, they in turn sent it to a University. Does is really take 5 days to grow a culture, or am I getting the run around?

The in house test was positive which warented the blood sample.

Re: Brucellosis

I usually have results from for brucellosis from Antech in 2 days.

Re: Brucellosis

Don't panic either. Don't think it will take that long. Push them some but have had a positive come back twice with the in house over the years and the Antech comes back negative. Bet she is fine, don't think the worse. Just happens sometime.

Re: Brucellosis

We had a boy who tested positive on the inhouse test. It can be very scary!! We have just used the blood test from then on. Usually took a couple of days to get the results.

Re: Brucellosis

No Name
Had a blood sample sent ot Antech, they in turn sent it to a University. Does is really take 5 days to grow a culture, or am I getting the run around?

The in house test was positive which warented the blood sample.

If it's a true culture that usually takes at least 3 days. I don't know if Brucellosis is determined by a culture or just testing the blood for it. I would find it to be unusual to have to culture the blood for something like Brucellosis.

Re: Brucellosis

The blood test from Antech, came back negative. :)

Re: Brucellosis

I learned more than I ever wanted to know about Brucellosis testing when a bitch of mine tested positive on the quick slide test. The follow up is called a tube agglutination test. The blood sample is diluted to different levels in 7 (or more) tubes. These are incubated. Then the brucella organism is added and allowed to sit for a day (or so). The dilution at which there is first reaction is the titre level for the organism. If it is below a certain point, then the result is considered negative. This type of test is nearly always done by a vet school laboratory, since the actual brucella canis organism is used instead of the sheep brucella antigen that commonly is in the slide test.

At least that is the way it was explanied to me and the test can take up to 5 days to get accurate results.

Re: Brucellosis

No Name
The blood test from Antech, came back negative. :)
