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"PUPS" bill introduced to Congress

I thought I would pass this along to everyone. I just received it and have not had time to sit down and read the article. ~

The Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners has prepared an analysis of the Puppy Uniform Protection and Safety Act that has been introduced in Congress. All dog owners need to take a few (15-20) minutes to read this analysis and urge their doggy friends to do likewise. All dog owners/breeders need to be knowledgeable about this bill and its potential impact on us. Note that if you have a website for your dogs, you are a potential target if this bill passes. It also targets breeders who "sells or offers for sale, via any means of conveyance (including the Internet, telephone or newspaper)" . That about covers everyone. It includes dogs owned, co-owned, etc. in determining if we are "high volume retail breeders". This bill will in essence make all of us "puppy mills". It is extremely important that everyone contact their legislators and let them know that you are opposed to this bill. This is not just a state issue....this is Federal. Forward it on to anyone you know who is involved in the fancy. We must act on this one immediately.

Re: "PUPS" bill introduced to Congress

Thanks, Bonnie, for bringing this up; I saw it for the first time a couple weeks ago. With all the ARs in DC right now, plus all the other "stuff" going on, it's quite likely that this could get pushed through without anyone being aware of it unless, as you said, we all take the initiative to contact our representatives in Washington and let them know of our opposition to it.

I'm sure the AKC is on it, too, but grassroots input is always helpful. Your comment about anyone with a website being a potential "target" is right on the money!