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Kennel runs

Hi All,

Well, the day of the great move is upon us. I've decided that once we get to KS, I am going to look into putting up one or 2 runs in the back yard for the dog kids so they can stay outside on nice days. 2 questions- anyone have a kennel run that they love/hate and where did you get it? Second, any thoughts on flooring options? Pouring a concrete pad is out of the question at this time and I'm afraid if I just leave it on grass that it will get very muddy when its wet outside.

Thanks for your help!


Re: Kennel runs

You might consider putting down some concrete pavers so the dogs can't dig and make a mud pit as well. These can be easily picked up and moved (okay, they're heavy, but it can be done). The other option you might consider is kennel decking or another plastic surface - expensive, but probably easier on the dog's joints and elbows.

Re: Kennel runs

The big patio stones are perfect for this. Great answer. You can do just the perimiter where the fence will sit if you can't afford the entire area.
They have them 12" square and they aren't too bad to handle.

Re: Kennel runs

I would also put a perimeter of some type of gravel around the pavers. If you are going to be hosing the runs down a lot it helps with drainage.