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What is "Normal"

Please no flames, I realize / know I can write or call and ask ppl what their dogs actual clearances are.

BUT......when ppl advertise the dog as "Normal" for PRA and EIC etc they sometimes list "Normal/Carrier" so makes me wonder when I see "Normal" vs "Clear" in an advertisement. It would be helful if folks would clarify what the actual clearance

Re: What is "Normal"

Normal to me means clear. I may say Normal, Carrier, Affected. I can see where folks may consider a Carrier "normal" since they are NOT affected. As far as I am concerned it's just a matter of semantics. I tend to only use Normal when talking about Elbows.

Re: What is "Normal"

Thanks, makes sense to me!!

Re: What is "Normal"

Ask the owner and look online or ask to see the certificates.

Re: What is "Normal"

On a current spotlight ad:

"Optigen B1 (normal/carrier)"

So in this case, "normal" means not affected.