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Absorbing puppies

Is there a non-invasive way to determine if a bitch conceived but absorbed the puppies before the first ultrasound (at 30 days)?

Re: Absorbing puppies

That would be resorbing, not absorbing.

Re: Absorbing puppies

You could do the Synbiotics pregnancy test- with this you can test as early as 20 days, but we've found that with small litters it is more accurate if you wait until 24 days or more.

Re: Absorbing puppies

I normally don't correct people on this word but since someone else did and they are also incorrect I will respectfully say:

The correct word is "resorping"

Re: Absorbing puppies

Actually, YOU are not correct either. That is not even a word.
The correct term is RESORPTION.

Not corret either
I normally don't correct people on this word but since someone else did and they are also incorrect I will respectfully say:

The correct word is "resorping"

Re: Absorbing puppies

The correct term is resorption.

The definition of resorption: "A process in which a substance, such as tissue, is lost by being destroyed and then *ABSORBED* by the body."

Puppies get absorbed in the process of resorption! My grammar did not need correcting.

picky, picky, picky.....

Re: Absorbing puppies

Jim & Elizabeth Bowron
You could do the Synbiotics pregnancy test- with this you can test as early as 20 days, but we've found that with small litters it is more accurate if you wait until 24 days or more.

Thank you for your response, very helpful. Is there any other way?

Re: Absorbing puppies

It's resorption. That's as bad as Repo Vet

Re: Absorbing puppies

While Resorption may be the right term in the dictionary and the other forms (resorp, resorped, etc.) are slang for the proper form, many people use the slang "ultrasound revealed no pups, she must have resorped them."

Its the b used rather than the p that is more incorrect IMO.

And not for nothing, do a search on the internet and you will see the b used all the time. Very few people know the correct form/spelling/pronunciation.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Beg to differ. Resorption is the noun describing the process- resorb the verb for the process of resorption. See below:

Re·sorp·tion definition
Pronunciation: /(ˈ)rē-ˈsȯrp-shən, -ˈzȯrp-/
Function: n
: the action or process of resorbing something bone loss…is caused by a slight but persistent elevation in the rate of bone resorption over the rate of bone formation — P. S. Millard et al >
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Cite This Source

resorb re·sorb (rē-sôrb', -zôrb')
v. re·sorbed , re·sorb·ing , re·sorbs

To absorb again.

To dissolve and assimilate such things as bone tissue.

resorption re·sorp·tion (rē-sôrp'shən, -zôrp'-)
The act or process of resorbing.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Re: Absorbing puppies

It's resorb or resorption. Look it up folks:

(Merriam Webster)

Main Entry: re·sorb
Pronunciation: (ˌ)rē-ˈsȯrb, -ˈzȯrb
Function: verb
Etymology: Latin resorbēre, from re- + sorbēre to suck up — more at absorb
Date: 1640
transitive verb
1 : to swallow or suck in again
2 : to break down and assimilate the components of (as bone)
intransitive verb
: to undergo resorption

The second definition is applicable in this case.

NOT absorbing, resorping, or any other permutation.

Re: Absorbing puppies

It's resorb or resorption. Look it up folks:

(Merriam Webster)

Main Entry: re·sorb
Pronunciation: (ˌ)rē-ˈsȯrb, -ˈzȯrb
Function: verb
Etymology: Latin resorbēre, from re- + sorbēre to suck up — more at absorb
Date: 1640
transitive verb
1 : to swallow or suck in again
2 : to break down and assimilate the components of (as bone)
intransitive verb
: to undergo resorption

The second definition is applicable in this case.

NOT absorbing, resorping, or any other permutation.

Your wrong. I said absorb and that's what happens in resorption. How I chose to say what I did is my choice whether or not you like it and it is correct.

You get no respect from me

Re: Absorbing puppies

That would be resorbing, not absorbing.

I'm sorry to correct you *R-E-S-P-E-C-T* but it is *resorption* with the letter p. Check any theriogenology site or medical dictionary for the proper spelling especially before you correct someone else and teach the rest of the board wrong please.

This is the 1st time I have *ever* corrected anyones spelling on this list but if you *R-E-S-P-E-C-T* are going to do it incorrectly, I do feel the need to explain the proper spelling. Nothing is gained by correcting someone incorrectly. Jay

Postscript. I viewed thread style and missed the other corrections. I guess we're all on the same flight. [wink]

Re: Absorbing puppies


Re: Absorbing puppies

Not PG
Is there a non-invasive way to determine if a bitch conceived but absorbed the puppies before the first ultrasound (at 30 days)?

Did the bitch ever conceive before and you suspect this happened prior? Some girls are prone to resorption of either the entire litter or part of it. I have a friend who has 1 girl that always has 8 to 10 heartbeats or more on ultrasound. she delivers 3 puppies each litter.

I never found any of the pregnancy tests to be accurate with my girls, including Synbiotics.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Not whatever. As breeders we should know proper spelling and terminology when it comes to breeding our girls or boys.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Why don't you all start acting like grown-ups on this might think all the posters were in elementary school the way you all bicker back and forth!


Re: Absorbing puppies

Elementary school students have better spelling.

Re: Absorbing puppies

It seems none of them gratuated from elementary school.

Re: Absorbing puppies

It is so nice when someone actually answers the original poster's question, rather than hijack the thread on some grammatical tangent.

If someone feels so put out by what they construe to be bad spelling or bad language usage, start a separate thread about it. For those who want to focus on the OP's original question, your little grammar diatribes are neither helpful nor appreciated.

If you start your own thread, you can see how many people actually respond to it, and then you will know whether people really want to read your comments ( which is something I am sure you are interested in ).

Re: Absorbing puppies

ha ha


It's about self R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Re: Absorbing puppies

must be a full moon

Re: Absorbing puppies unproductive for the original poster.

To the OP...have you monitored her progesterone numbers during pregnancy? If there is a drop this can cause resorption.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Well unproductive for the original poster.

To the OP...have you monitored her progesterone numbers during pregnancy? If there is a drop this can cause resorption.

OP, have any related girls of yours had the same problem? Dropping progesterone levels does seem to be passed on from mother to daughter or other relatives.

Re: Absorbing puppies

must be a full moon

I know what you mean. It seems to bring all the grammar fanatics out of the woodwork.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Not PG
Is there a non-invasive way to determine if a bitch conceived but absorbed the puppies before the first ultrasound (at 30 days)?

I don't think resorption occurs that early. Embryos float for quite some time before they implant. If there is nothing on a 30 day ultrasound, my guess is there wasn't anything to begin with. A repro vet could tell you better. You might want to try a consult with Hutch for his reasonable fee.

Can our girls have poor uterine lining to support implanting embryos? Do theriogenologists ever check the uterine lining during a heat cycle that the bitch is not going to bred during? Can they test the uterine lining to see if it is thick and rich enough embryos to implant and stay put? An interesting thought in my humble opinion.

There is much that can go wrong. Our girls conceive easier than us humans do with the tools we have to time AI's properly. If they don't conceive, they have singletons repeatedly or there is resportion of a litter or part of one more than once, something must be wrong.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Cysts in the uterus also play a large part in girls that don't carry to term.

Re: Absorbing puppies

Cysts in the uterus also play a large part in girls that don't carry to term.

Then there are ovarian cysts, uterine tumours and low or dropping progesterone levels.

Some breeders are so bent on breeding a bitch no matter what her ailments are. They don't care if it will be passed down to the female get either and that could easily happen. Some have surgeries to rid them of cysts and tumours and they still never conceive or carry to term.

Then they wonder why the singleton 2.5 year old daughter can't get prego and with each breeding after. Sad. Sometimes you have to cut your losses and let it go.

Re: Absorbing puppies

I had a girl that had only one puppy despite being bred at least four times. She had uterine cysts. That puppy went on to have three normal sized litters, and I just had a litter of 10 from the daughter's daughter. Not all reproductive problems are due to heritable factors.

Re: Absorbing puppies

My personal favorite is CONFIRMATION!!
Love to see it on websites!!!

It's resorption. That's as bad as Repo Vet

Re: Absorbing puppies

peggy Stevens
I had a girl that had only one puppy despite being bred at least four times. She had uterine cysts. That puppy went on to have three normal sized litters, and I just had a litter of 10 from the daughter's daughter. Not all reproductive problems are due to heritable factors.

No one said all Peggy but it can happen. We don't know until their puppies turn around 3. I've heard of repro problems being hereditary and just as many that aren't. Another crap shoot I guess.

Re: Absorbing puppies

My personal favorite is CONFIRMATION!!
Love to see it on websites!!!

Yes, it is all over.