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help bring on more milk

Is there anything I can do to help aid in bringing in more milk for my bitch. She doesn't seem to be producing as much as last time. The pups are 5 days old and acting like they are not getting enough milk when they eat.

Re: help bring on more milk

There's an old post on this full of great discussion and debate. Milk supply is a process of supply and demand. Some people think you can't increase production/quality, others like myself feel you can.

Be sure mom has lots of fresh water, change water frequently. Be sure mom is on high protein food, if she won't eat give hamburg, chicken whatever to get her to eat protein. In addition, I like to give 1 cup of vanilla icecream 3 times a day to increase milk fat content. I also will give human grade Vitamin B complex if very concerned, 1 a day.

As I noted, others will disagree, but this protocol sure works for me. Remember, when pups go through a growth spurt, mom takes about 3 days to catch up. All the best to you and yours.

Re: help bring on more milk

I have used Revival's OXY-MOMMA with great results. It says to double up the first week and I have had to order it after pups were born , doubled up and have seen a milk increase after the 2nd day. Here is the website to order in case you need it. Product is OXY-MOMMA . Hope this helps. Good luck to you and your babies.

Re: help bring on more milk

HOWEVER, the first thing I do, at about 2 weeks old, is to start adding a half can of evaporated milk to each of the MOM's meals to increase her milk production. My vet is a second generation Cornell man and he learned that trick from his vet/dad. Milk makes milk!

I hope it helps.

Re: help bring on more milk

Feed raw minced, quality meat!!! Works wonders... Super advice I've learnt from the late Gwen Broadley of Sandyland's fame!

Re: help bring on more milk

The amount of FLUID intake is what makes milk, so the more she drinks of anything the more milk she will make.

Re: help bring on more milk

The amount of FLUID intake is what makes milk, so the more she drinks of anything the more milk she will make.

I just gave a friend the same advice with her very large litter. I'm sure it helped along with other things she did.

Re: help bring on more milk

The moms always have fresh water available, but to get plenty of fluid in them, a few times a day I offer them bowls of water with just enough 2% lowfat milk added so that it colors the water. They love it and don't leave a drop.

Re: help bring on more milk

The first question you need to answer is: What's the real problem - milk production or milk let down? If the bitch feels full but the puppies act hungry it may be a let down problem. If that's the case ask your vet for Reglan as it promotes milk let down. If she simply does not have much milk there are two nutrional factors to consider. First, lactation is very very high energy. Fat provides 3 X's more energy per gram than protein, thus the reason puppy food (small or medium breed) is recommended for lactating bitches. Second, water intake is directly related to amount of milk. If you want fluid she has to take in fluid. Personally to increase water intake I take a small can of canned food and mix it with a full bowl of water. They never leave a drop. I give a bowl of water with canned food 3 - 5 X's a day to increase water intake. Of course this means she also has to go out a LOT. Hope it helps!

Re: help bring on more milk

Thanks for all your advice. I printed this sheet out and am going to try some of these tips. Question??
Does this cause her to have loose stools to? With all the extra water/fluid??

Re: help bring on more milk

new mommy
Thanks for all your advice. I printed this sheet out and am going to try some of these tips. Question??
Does this cause her to have loose stools to? With all the extra water/fluid??

Loose stools are usually from consumption of placentas or heavy hormones still hanging around. It depends on the girl and each whelping in my opinion.

Re: help bring on more milk

I put a scoop of dry goat milk in the water, it seems to be easier on the gut than cows milk. Mom loves it.

Re: help bring on more milk

goat milk fan
I put a scoop of dry goat milk in the water, it seems to be easier on the gut than cows milk. Mom loves it.

Where do you get dry goat milk?

Re: help bring on more milk

I stir a dollop of plain yogurt into water; they suck it up as if they were sump pumps!

Re: help bring on more milk

goat milk fan
I put a scoop of dry goat milk in the water, it seems to be easier on the gut than cows milk. Mom loves it.

It's best to use goat's milk in gruel or food. I never use cows milk in the same manner although a drop in water is not a problem at all. It's used to entice the bitch to drink more water. I wouldn't hesitate using that small amount of regular milk for that. It's been recommended by long-time breeders.

A full scoop of any dried milk is not necessary as far as I know to entice a bitch. A small amount is just that. The OP is going to get confused with so many suggestions that vary, that's jmo tho.

I recommend goats milk for gruel and a drop of either cow or goat milk that is *not condensed* to flavor water. If it is condensed, water it down even more before adding. You're not trying to add alot of milk to water. You're trying to flavor water a wee bit if the bitch doesn't drink enough to make her own milk. I would use 1/8 of a scoop at the most if using powdered goats milk to flavor water. There is also canned if you can't find fresh. I have never used powdered and if you're talking about Esbilac with goats milk that's very different. It's not just milk, it's formula.

Adding milk to the diet *to make milk* as suggested by a poster would be goats milk only.

OP, check with your vet if you're unsure. You've had many good suggestions. Make sure your vet agrees they are tho.

Re: help bring on more milk

Although I've never used condensed milk, I think it's sounding like a good idea. You have to realize that the canning process alters the protein in milk; it's not like milk from a jug. That's why it's recommended for children who have trouble weaning onto cow's milk from infant formula. Because the protein is altered, it's easier for kids who can't tolerate milk to digest.

Re: help bring on more milk

Wag the Dog (1)
Although I've never used condensed milk, I think it's sounding like a good idea. You have to realize that the canning process alters the protein in milk; it's not like milk from a jug. That's why it's recommended for children who have trouble weaning onto cow's milk from infant formula. Because the protein is altered, it's easier for kids who can't tolerate milk to digest.

From Wikipedia;

*Condensed milk, also known as sweetened condensed milk, is cow's milk from which water has been removed and to which sugar has been added, yielding a very thick, sweet product which when canned can last for years without refrigeration if unopened. *

Re: help bring on more milk

I wrote the above quote which was taken from another thread.
It is EVAPORATED MILK, not condensed.

"HOWEVER, the first thing I do, at about 2 weeks old, is to start adding a half can of evaporated milk to each of the MOM's meals to increase her milk production. My vet is a second generation Cornell man and he learned that trick from his vet/dad. Milk makes milk!

I hope it helps."

Evaporated milk, also known as dehydrated milk, is a shelf-stable canned milk product with about 60% of the water removed from fresh milk. It differs from sweetened condensed milk, which contains added sugar. Sweetened condensed milk requires less processing since the added sugar inhibits bacterial growth.

The actual liquid portion of the product takes up half the space of fresh milk. When the non-liquid product is mixed with a proportionate amount of water, evaporated milk becomes the equivalent of fresh milk.

Re: help bring on more milk

Wag the Dog (1)
Although I've never used condensed milk, I think it's sounding like a good idea. You have to realize that the canning process alters the protein in milk; it's not like milk from a jug. That's why it's recommended for children who have trouble weaning onto cow's milk from infant formula. Because the protein is altered, it's easier for kids who can't tolerate milk to digest.

My bad; I meant evaporated milk, not the sweetened condensed. Too late at night, and too tired to have been replying!

Re: help bring on more milk

Going back to the original question, I have a question. Is there really a need for more milk? If the pups are gaining weight they are getting plenty. Their behavior might not mean they need more milk, it just might mean that they are typical Labradors. If mom is taking care of them and has plenty of water and high quality food available (approved for lactation) and the pups are gaining weight then there should be no need to supplement mom's diet or the pups. If you don't have a/c and the weather is hot, the pups might actually be thirsty. In that case, you can offer water to the pups. Better yet, cool down their environment with frozen bottles, wet towels, fans, ceramic tiles, or whatever works for your situation. I've seen thirsty pups suck on wet towels when they were thirsty.

Re: help bring on more milk

Ask your Vet for a Rx for Reglan. It is an anti-vomiting drug whose side effects are extra milk production in lactating females. No side effects to Mom or puppies and it works like a miracle. This drug is used on WOMEN who have had preemie c-section babies and haven't gotten their milk in yet.

It only usually takes one or two doses, too.

Good Luck with babies!

Leslee Pope