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prostaglandins and open pyometra

Has anyone ever successfully bred a bitch who had recovered from an open pyo but who had NOT gotten prostaglandin shots? I'm vacillating between spaying my five year old or breeding her one last time. She is currently on a second round of antibiotics (Cephalaxin this time) for an open pyometra but acts fine --- eating, playing and acting completely normal. My vet just sent a culture out since the infection wasn't cured by ten days on Baytril, and he suggested giving her prostaglandin shots once the results of the culture come back. I've heard they're very difficult on a bitch though. I'd love to hear from people who have been in my shoes so I can better make my decision. I adore this girl. She's the best I have and I hate to spay her, but her health is most important of all. Any feedback you can give will be most appreciated.

My vet also mentioned there's a very limited study showing success with using the morning after pill on bitches with pyo. Anyone else heard of this?

Re: prostaglandins and open pyometra

I have a bitch who developed an open pyo, and was treated by my vet with prostaglandin shots. She didn't seem too disturbed by them-- I was told that the key is to walk them during the 20-30 minutes that the shots make them contract. I bred her one last time after the pyo episode, and she had two healthy puppies, after which I spayed her.

Hope this helps, and good luck with your girl.

Re: prostaglandins and open pyometra

If you didn't spay her from the get-go it seems that you are still thinking of breeding her? Doing the prostaglandin will give you the option, but you have to breed her on the next heat or spay her before she comes into heat. I did the prostaglandin protocol. The treatment is relatively inexpensive. My bitch had very little nausea - I think she vomited once on the first day. She went on to have a nice litter - her biggest ever - on the next heat, then I spayed her about 3 months after she whelped. Good luck with her!

Re: prostaglandins and open pyometra

Lutalyse protaglandin 1ml/50 lbs (.1 mg/per lb body weight) 3x day until no discharge or clear sonogram as per Dr. Hutch. Tell your guy to consult him- I think it's like $45-50. My local vet has been doing this past few years after consult with Dr. Hutchison with success.
Pyo starts with hormones. The antibiotics will take care of the secondary infection, but the original problem with uterine lining is hormonal.