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Joint "Click" in puppy

Has anyone had a puppy (like <6 months) who had a pop or click in either shoulder or elbow (not sure which at this point) that passed clearances at 2 yrs old?

He doesn't seem lame, yet, is a joint click an early warning? Should he be x-rayed early to check for problems because of it?

Re: Joint "Click" in puppy

I had one that clicked in an elbow and she OFAd fine at age 2 and still looked good later when xrayed after a bad agility landing (it was a soft tissue injury in that case). She was a hard running, jumping, athletic girl still at 9.5 when taken from me by a terrible poisoning. The vet who tended to her that fateful night just marveled at her condition... so no, I'd not panic.

Re: Joint "Click" in puppy

My pup had a click in her hip at about 4 1/2 months. Still does. Her vet at the time insisted she was dysplastic and needed immediate JPS surgery. Just search on this forum and that's her. Ran like heck for a second opinion at another practice with another vet. That vet said pup was fine.
Had her prelimed at 15 months old because I was making myself crazy with worry. She OFA'd excellent.
Still hear the occasional click. Get an xray and go from there. If your pup is okay, then you will avoid the worry I lived with for almost a year.
Good luck.

Re: Joint "Click" in puppy

I have a dog with a clicky hip and he has excellent hips. I know horses can get these clicky joints too. I wouldn't be worrying too much at this stage.