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How many clear generations do you like to see orthapedically when doing a breeding?

I personally like to see a minimum of 3 on both sides but I prefer seeing 5 to 7 for my bitch and the stud dog. Am I being too fussy? Isn't the chance of ED & HD lower with each generation of clears?

I'm not mentioning TVD heavily but I do echos and expect that on the stud dog too. I then try to research pedigrees and hope for the best.

TIA for your responses.

Re: Orthopedics

I think you have to do whatever you are comfortable with. Per OFA, if I remember this correctly, every Excellent to Excellent pairing has a 10% chance of throwing a dysplastic pup. There is more to breeding than crossing each clearance off a list. I tend to look for a very solid pedigree of dogs from breeders have a good rep for sound dogs. Then I cross my fingers, do my "puppy dance" in the back yard at midnight and hope for the best.

Re: Orthopedics

Got a question
How many clear generations do you like to see orthapedically when doing a breeding?

I personally like to see a minimum of 3 on both sides but I prefer seeing 5 to 7 for my bitch and the stud dog. Am I being too fussy? Isn't the chance of ED & HD lower with each generation of clears?

I'm not mentioning TVD heavily but I do echos and expect that on the stud dog too. I then try to research pedigrees and hope for the best.

TIA for your responses.

It matters so very little, but you can look on line at for the historical ratings. After 3 generations, there is so few chances of anything coming down 5 to 7 generations.

It is far better to look at what the stud dog is producing as a percentage of offspring.

Re: Orthopedics

But you can't discount multiple generations of clear as being insignificant if you are only looking at the closest three. I like to see clears, including low BVA #s as far back as possible. If you are only looking at the last three generations, hopefully, every offspring has been evaluated, not just a few. If only a few offspring have OFA's, then I would never trust 3 generations to be a good indicator of orthopedic soundness.

Re: Orthopedics


It is far better to look at what the stud dog is producing as a percentage of offspring.

That's right....because the stud dog is the only one who ever causes/contributes to problems in ANY line.

If he has EVER produced a pup or two with problems there is NO way the bitch he was bred to could have possibly contributed to that.

Re: Orthopedics

Uh huh....

It is far better to look at what the stud dog is producing as a percentage of offspring.

That's right....because the stud dog is the only one who ever causes/contributes to problems in ANY line.

If he has EVER produced a pup or two with problems there is NO way the bitch he was bred to could have possibly contributed to that.

I get it.

I never said that tho. I'm talking about both sides including a strong bitch line having as many generations of clear orthopedics as possible.

Isn't the bitch line important too or have I been fooling myself for years?