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To section or not!

I have a bitch that's having two pups. She's had 3 previous litters naturally 4,8 & 8. So i'm wondering if I let her try to whelp these pup's or section?

Re: To section or not!

I have a bitch that's having two pups. She's had 3 previous litters naturally 4,8 & 8. So i'm wondering if I let her try to whelp these pup's or section?

I believe in always allowing them to try. With 2 pups, there is a chance she may not be able to do it on her own. The force of labor may not be strong enough. I would keep your vet on call if possible and discuss your options prior.

I would try to get progesterone levels done prior to a c-section to be sure the pups are ready to be born and fully mature.

Re: To section or not!

Let her try. My girls have had onezies, two and three pups with no section and no problems.
Have you ever watched a section? Putting a girl through that is the last resort I take.

Re: To section or not!

Any idea how big the pups are???

Re: To section or not!

Absolutely let her whelp them! Natural whelping is MUCH safer for both mother and pups, not to mention less expensive. Given her history of successful whelpings it should be a breeze for her. Treat it like any other whelping. Make sure you don't skimp on her diet to try to have smaller puppies - along with big strong puppies, good nutrition also results in a big strong uterus. Nobody wants weaker, smaller pups or a weak uterus.

Re: To section or not!

I think it depends on your situation, if you have a vet who is available 24/7 to you, then yes, I would let her try on her own. However, the odds are not in favor that there will not be a problem, so if you are like me where my vet is only available during regular office hours and there is no other option except to go to one of the many chopshop emergency clinics that we have here if there is a problem in the middle of the night, then I would consider a planned section.

Re: To section or not!

As most of you know we just went through this with our Lola who had the 1 puppy. The er vet still thinks Lola could have had her littel puppy on her own but by day 64 and no temp drop, I was convinced otherwise and had a c-section done. Mother is doing great, milk came in and now her new puppy is one chubby cutie pie !!!! I would have loved to have saved $1500 the Csection cost us but I wasn't in the mood for gambling.

We've had a couple of 3 puppy litters before and they all whelped fine...took longer than the bigger litters but the girls whelped without any intervention.

Good luck and hopefully you won't need to resort to a C-section. I wouldn't go past day 65 though.

Re: To section or not!

I'm with "Been there". I have lost two 3-pup litters by waiting too long after the temperature drop. I had a 2 pup litter recently by C-section and I just had a 10 pup litter by a natural birth. I always make sure I detect the temperature drop. I notify my vets- regular and repro- that the temp drop has occurred. I wait 24 hours and then what I do depends on the time of day, whether it's a weekend, etc., because what I want to avoid at all costs is an emergency C-section in the middle of the night when the only option is the emergency clinic and whoever happens to be on staff. For the litter of 10, the 24 hour limit came early in the day. I took Mom over to the repro clinic for ultrasound to be sure the pups had strong heartbeats, a progesterone test, and X-ray. Progesterone was 0.6, low enough to section if we wanted to go that way. X-ray showed no reason she could not have them normally. The verdict was that we could wait until the next morning, but no longer. She had them that afternoon and evening. If it had been 5:00 pm rather than 11:00 am, I might have done a C-section. I'm glad I didn't have to, but timing is everything unless you have good all-night emergency care. Smaller litters seem to be more likely to run into trouble due to a smaller amount of the hormones that bring on labor. These hormones are produced by the puppies.

Re: To section or not!

Had a litter of two very recent. X ray showed pups were big and one pup was butt first so opted to section. It was the right decision for my girl.

Did you have her x-rayed to check postion of pups?

Re: To section or not!

peggy Stevens
I'm with "Been there". I have lost two 3-pup litters by waiting too long after the temperature drop. I had a 2 pup litter recently by C-section and I just had a 10 pup litter by a natural birth. I always make sure I detect the temperature drop. I notify my vets- regular and repro- that the temp drop has occurred. I wait 24 hours and then what I do depends on the time of day, whether it's a weekend, etc., because what I want to avoid at all costs is an emergency C-section in the middle of the night when the only option is the emergency clinic and whoever happens to be on staff. For the litter of 10, the 24 hour limit came early in the day. I took Mom over to the repro clinic for ultrasound to be sure the pups had strong heartbeats, a progesterone test, and X-ray. Progesterone was 0.6, low enough to section if we wanted to go that way. X-ray showed no reason she could not have them normally. The verdict was that we could wait until the next morning, but no longer. She had them that afternoon and evening. If it had been 5:00 pm rather than 11:00 am, I might have done a C-section. I'm glad I didn't have to, but timing is everything unless you have good all-night emergency care. Smaller litters seem to be more likely to run into trouble due to a smaller amount of the hormones that bring on labor. These hormones are produced by the puppies.

Up to 36 hours is considered okay after a temperature drop. After 36 hours, I would worry. I never had a bitch go longer than 36 hours, a couple that did have the 1st pup between 24 & 36 hours, most had the 1st pup by 24 hours.

There is the occasional bitch that doesn't show a drop, then what to do? A progesterone level and xray even if it was done a few days before.

I only saw that happen once. My girl whelped the day before her due date, all 10 pups were born alive and did well. The same bitch had a typical temp drop in her other 3 litters.

I agree that all breeders need take each situation into consideration before making an informed decision. I think that was the main objective of your post.

Re: To section or not!

Right- and one of the factors I personally seriously consider is the availability of emergency care for the next 8-12 hours. I have never had a situation in which the temperature did not drop.

Re: To section or not!

I have. One puppy, no temp drop. I was checking her every few hours. I had checked her two hours before the puppy. She had the puppy in the middle of the day with no forewarning of any kind. No nesting, no whining......just popped it out.

Re: To section or not!

You were very lucky with that one.

Re: To section or not!

If it's not to late to reply to this I had a bitch recently whelp two pups, lost both, I wouldn't let your bitch whelp so few pups, mine where big just took to long.