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Descending testicals in a pup.

Looking for info. Someone told me they posted about this sometime ago ,But I can't find it in the search.
Or perhaps you can let me know Which side will the testical come down.And which side will it never come down. The thing with this pup. Both were there as an 8 wk & 12 wks. Now only 1 is down.

Thank you

Re: Descending testicals in a pup.

I had a male that by 8mos his second testicle still hadn't come down, and at 1yr both were down and normal size.

Re: Descending testicals in a pup.

Testicles that do not drop by 12 weeks - it is considered a genetic issue. And even if the testicles do drop by 12 months, I would not recommend using the pup.

Re: Descending testicals in a pup.

Look back at March 13th. Title undesended testical.