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My Itchy Butt

OK guys what can I do?????

My human has dewormed me....had me expressed twice and even checked for allergies but my butt itches so bad I'm wearing it raw...OUCH!

What can I do???

Very truly yours,
Itchy Scooter

Re: My Itchy Butt

What kind of food are you eating? Ever try canned pumpkin?

Re: My Itchy Butt

No...never tried pumpkin...what will that do to help my butt?

Re: My Itchy Butt

Will a kiss make it feel better?

Re: My Itchy Butt

I lick it all the time but it gets worse.

Help me.

Itchy Butz

Re: My Itchy Butt

You need to see a dermatologist Dahling.

Re: My Itchy Butt

I hate to even suggest it, but are you at all overweight? My dear black furry friend gets an itchy tush when she has been into her food dish a little too often. I hate to be breedist, but Labradors are known for the love of the food dish.

If you lived at my home, in addition to making sure your weight was ideal, I'd give pumpkin to normalize stool and make it easy on the bowel, this keep those nasty glands from filling. I'd also give Benadryl every night and possibly during the day to reduce the itchy feel and help you sleep well so your itchy seat can heal.

Re: My Itchy Butt

Hate to say it but could be the start of perianal fistulas. The dog I had with that started by licking incessantly, he didn't scoot but with his bad legs he probably couldn't. Eventually the tracts came to the outside, then it was no mystery but before that the vet didn't know what was wrong with him. It's hard to treat.

Re: My Itchy Butt

I just like the name Itchy Scooter....
Has your Dr. done a digital exam to feel for any abnormalities?

Re: My Itchy Butt

I don't know about in your area, but canned pumpkin is a seasonal item. Can't find int the stores right now. Pooh. Itchy Pooh.

Re: My Itchy Butt

I don't have any suggestions just had to say this thread made me laugh!! Very cute

Re: My Itchy Butt

I'll look forward to that digital exam...Grrrrrrr

Maybe I'll sniff out some pumpkin and Benadryl tomorrow and my itchy butz will be a thing of the past.

I gotta scoot

Re: My Itchy Butt

Hey Scooter - I have another idea for ya, could you somehow communicate to your human that maybe probiotics would also help? Maybe your intestinal flora is out of balance and a good acidophilous and ultrabifidous tablet may help. The furry friends at my house love the fruit flavored human grade ones, they get one a day for 3 days after deworming or antibiotics.

Re: My Itchy Butt

Thank you Scooter for posting! I’m having the same problem with my Bung-Hole-E-O, the more I itch… the more I scoot… the more I scoot….the more me I itch and to top it off, the neighbors who can look down into my yard from their deck laugh at me while I’m scooting around. My family has a nice cement patio, which is my favorite place to scoot, and although I fear it may be causing some additional irritation I just can’t help myself as it feels so good! I eat a good diet, I exercise and I’m pretty fit for an old gal. I think my mom will try the Probiotics . Thanks again for positing and coming out of the Itchy Butt Closet for all of us closet scooters!

Re: My Itchy Butt

Some Desitin could also help change your name from Itchy Scooter to Glad-ass, butt only if you are a girl.

Re: My Itchy Butt

I Itch Too
Thank you Scooter for posting! I’m having the same problem with my Bung-Hole-E-O, the more I itch… the more I scoot… the more I scoot….the more me I itch and to top it off, the neighbors who can look down into my yard from their deck laugh at me while I’m scooting around. My family has a nice cement patio, which is my favorite place to scoot, and although I fear it may be causing some additional irritation I just can’t help myself as it feels so good! I eat a good diet, I exercise and I’m pretty fit for an old gal. I think my mom will try the Probiotics . Thanks again for positing and coming out of the Itchy Butt Closet for all of us closet scooters!

I know all too well about the stares but when I scoot and spin I love making the kids laff at me but when we have guests the big humans cringe when I scoot across the floor at dinner time...those that know about this stuff laff but I love to see the looks on the faces of non-dog people as I do my thing! hahahahaha

I'm going to try all of these great suggestions 1 at a time til one works and no more scootin' for me and you are very welcome for me coming out of the Scooter Closet - otherwise it was don't ask...don't tell.

Good Luck fellow scooter

Re: My Itchy Butt

How is your butt feeling today?