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Indiana Update

Hello. A year ago, a Lab breeder in Indiana voluntarily surrendered his 45 Labs, two Field Spaniels, a cat and two birds to the Morgan County Humane Shelter. Once the Lab community got wind of this, the outpouring of support was amazing! Literally, Lab breeders from all over the world contributed to the care and support of these dogs. All of the dogs went to either forever homes or to service dog organizations. I know of two dogs that are now service dogs, one is a companion to an autistic boy and I've seen photos of the dog and boy asleep together on a couch.
I think you should know that the breeder has been suspended for ten years from all AKC privileges and also fined. This has been posted in the AKC Gazette.
Because so many of you contributed to the care of the dogs, I thought you should know the outcome.
Thanks so much!

Re: Indiana Update

Tks for the wonderful update Karen!

Re: Indiana Update

Very good news Karen. Those dogs are lucky you and John were close by. Thanks and keep the updates coming........

Re: Indiana Update

Very good news Karen. Those dogs were lucky to have you and John. Thanks and keep the updates coming........

Re: Indiana Update

Karen Helmers
Hello. A year ago, a Lab breeder in Indiana voluntarily surrendered his 45 Labs, two Field Spaniels, a cat and two birds to the Morgan County Humane Shelter. Once the Lab community got wind of this, the outpouring of support was amazing! Literally, Lab breeders from all over the world contributed to the care and support of these dogs. All of the dogs went to either forever homes or to service dog organizations. I know of two dogs that are now service dogs, one is a companion to an autistic boy and I've seen photos of the dog and boy asleep together on a couch.
I think you should know that the breeder has been suspended for ten years from all AKC privileges and also fined. This has been posted in the AKC Gazette.
Because so many of you contributed to the care of the dogs, I thought you should know the outcome.
Thanks so much!

Thank you for the update. What you failed to mention was how much you and your husband did for those dogs hands on. I understand not tooting your own horn but your certainly deserve a round of applause for what you two did. Thank you's to the trainers of the service and companion dogs especially for the autistic boy. The same to all volunteers that took care of the 45 needy labradors, cats, birds and spaniels including you and John at a time of need. Additional thank you's to any donors or volunteers.

Kudos to *Paradocs* Labradors, two vets named Karen and John Helmers , for their hands on volunteer work with all of the animals and now the update regarding the AKC decision. The same to all that made some sort of donation, financial or physical. We knew all donations went to a good cause but now know the ramifications of what initially occured. AKC did right by issuing a full 10 year suspension & hopefully hefty fine. Thanks for updating all of us Karen! I do know I personally appreciate the information which you just supplied. It also gives some of us a chance to thank you to you, John and the Morgan County Humane Shelter for what all of you did.

Re: Indiana Update

Thank you for the update and for all that you and your husband did for them.

Re: Indiana Update

Karen & John,
Wonderful news update on the Indiana Labs and the outcome with AKC! Bravo to all those at the shelter and humane society as well for stepping up to the plate to help. Great ending to a sad situation! Thank you!

Re: Indiana Update

Thanks, Karen for the update!