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Thoughts Please ...

What to do with a 5 year old neutered male Golden that has recently started growling at his children ... ages 8 & 10. I believe it started over his food ... they feed him in his crate now. However, he has started growling as the children are petting him.

He has been checked out by vet ... thyroid fine, no injuries.

He is being fed Wellness ... no grain.

The children do not abuse him.

The family also has a pug.

Thoughts on how to handle are most welcome. The family is willing to do most anything to keep him. His breeder has not been helpful.

Thank you to those that will take the time to respond.

Re: Thoughts Please ...

When vet checked did they run a tick panel?
I would have a professional trainer come in and observe what is actually happening in the home to better evaluate what may be going on. They would either instruct how to possible correct or, if this dog needs to be removed asap.

Re: Thoughts Please ...

What to do with a 5 year old neutered male Golden that has recently started growling at his children ... ages 8 & 10. I believe it started over his food ... they feed him in his crate now. However, he has started growling as the children are petting him.

He has been checked out by vet ... thyroid fine, no injuries.

He is being fed Wellness ... no grain.

The children do not abuse him.

The family also has a pug.

Thoughts on how to handle are most welcome. The family is willing to do most anything to keep him. His breeder has not been helpful.

Thank you to those that will take the time to respond.

I would be checking this boy for a brain tumor.Also, I would not let him near the children until this problem is diagnosed. He could be very dangerous.

Re: Thoughts Please ...

Have they had his eyes checked?

Re: Thoughts Please ...

I agree with getting him checked for a brain tumor. My mom and dad's neighbor had a German Shorthaired Pointer that was 4 years old, he started experiencing these same signs/symptoms. They were in the process of trying to figure out what was going on when he seized one day and passed on very unexpectedly. They had a necropsy done, it was a large brain mass.

Re: Thoughts Please ...

get them to a veterinary behaviorist.

Re: Thoughts Please ...

Ask Cesar Millan. Goldens tend to take over if they don't have proper leadership

Re: Thoughts Please ...

Ask Cesar Millan. Goldens tend to take over if they don't have proper leadership

More likely cancer. Almost every golden dies of cancer. My money is on a brain tumor. Dangerous situation. Get him checked now! And keep him away from the kids!

Re: Thoughts Please ...

I would get a full tick panel done, full thyroid (send it to Dr. Jean Dodds, or Univ. of Michigan) and determine whether the dog could be in pain from hips or something like that.

Low thyroid or lyme disease can cause these symptoms, too. Don't settle for the routine in-house lab tests.

Chronic pain is debilitating and can cause these symptoms.

That having been said, be careful and don't take any chances with the kids.

Re: Thoughts Please ...

Also wondering about the pug....was/is feeding time well managed? is the pug always in the dog's face? is the pug right in the middle of everything when the kids are petting the golden? does the golden have to always compete with the pug for attention?
how long has the family had the pug? is the pug intact? boy or girl?