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Dog chiropractor

Has anyone taken their dog to a chiropractor? If so do you think it helped? I have a dog that throws his rear. X-rays are good and no nerve issues. We have Labradors and 1 pug and of course it's the pug.

Re: Dog chiropractor

Has anyone taken their dog to a chiropractor? If so do you think it helped? I have a dog that throws his rear. X-rays are good and no nerve issues. We have Labradors and 1 pug and of course it's the pug.


Re: Dog chiropractor

I have used 2 different ones. One had a good reputation but did nothing for my dogs. The other one was truly gifted. Unfortunately he retired and moved away. I would definitely try chiropractic. For me, the key was the good guy was able to say if he could help and how many sessions would be involved for a particular problem.

The first time I assumed we'd be back in a week. He said no. My girl would start to feel good in a day or two. He said I'd know when she went off again and needed to come back. It was over 2 months before that happened.

With the next girl, he said it would take 2-3 sessions. Right again. Another time, he said he couldn't help my boy. I sure wish he was still practicing.

Re: Dog chiropractor

I use them all the time.
What state/area are you in? This way people here who use a chiro could refer you to a good one.

Re: Dog chiropractor

I've used several for our dogs over the years, they also do accupuncture and the dogs greatly benefit from it, very often it's the difference between having them very comfortable and helping their mobility or not and they seem to need less pain meds.

We are in CT and I know that people travel several hours to get to the ones I use, luckily for me I've known my vet since high school and she lives/works in my town.

Re: Dog chiropractor

I took my ole gal Saedee to a canine chiropractor when she started carrying her rear leg off the ground. She is borderline dysplastic and I actually thought she tore a cruciate but 2 treatments and she was perfectly fine and never has had an issue again. I believe there is a fantastic canine chirpractor in the Mankato area.

Re: Dog chiropractor

I am in Minnesota. Twin Cities area.

Re: Dog chiropractor

Yes and my dogs get relief.