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new mom with diarreha

Have a first time mom with puppies that has very bad diarreha. Have tried chicken and rice, canned pumpkin, yogurt.. vet said I could try pro pectalin. Is that ok for 2 day old pups????

Re: new mom with diarreha

I would expect a new mom to have diarrhea to some extent. The hormones would cause smooth muscle contractions that cause the bowel evacuation. Not to mention if you let her eat the placentas. Now the changing of food and addition of the pumpkin.

I've always found our girls have watery to cow patty stools for the first week or so and then to a slightly firmer consistency cow patty until the pups are a couple of weeks old. Gets fairly back to normal after the pups are eating food.

Re: new mom with diarreha

are you watching her temperature? with squirty poop I would be taking it twice a day. With the pups only a couple of days old it should be around 102 dropping in a day or two to 101.6 to 101.8.
There is certainly a danger of a retained placenta or just plain a bunch of stuff that can cause an issue.

Re: new mom with diarreha

She had to have a c-section after a long labor...temp has been around 102. Never had a c-section before didn't know if that was also causing the is very loose watery like. Am worried she is not going to keep her strenght up to take care of pups

Re: new mom with diarreha

Just keep a watch on her, take her temp on a regular basis. As I said, 3-4 days her temp should drop slightly below 102. Did the vet give her antibiotics after the section?

Re: new mom with diarreha

Was she put on Rimadyl? If so, call your vet and get tramadol instead. Many dogs have severe diarrhea from Rimadyl. My girl had a section, was put on it and she was sick for days.

Re: new mom with diarreha

Why would a dog be put on Rimadyl after surgery? Rimadyl is an anti flami and it tends to thin the blood and can cover up an infection. It is not an antibiotic.

Re: new mom with diarreha

My vet will use metronidazole for a couple of days. Not long term. It usually helps in a day.

Re: new mom with diarreha

Placental consumption can also cause loose stool.

I would check in close contact with your vet and as Gregg said, watch her temp! A retained placenta or piece of one, can cause lots of problems. Placental tissue and even stillborn *pups* have been missed during c-sections. I've heard it too many times and not that long ago. :-( I think it was brought up on here about 2 years ago.

There are many reasons for loose stool post whelp. I had a bitch that had it pre-whelp, the entire pregnancy. She was better 2 days after she whelped a litter of 8. Next litter, no problem so it was probably hormonal. Had it happened with the 2nd litter, I never would have bred her again. It was fairly nasty loose stools.


She had a section but did she deliver any of her pups and possibly consume placentas? If she didn't then forget that. Sorry, I missed that.

Anesthesia can cause lots of things, including the runs. Remember, she had major surgery. Again, keep your vet posted if she doesn't get better or gets worse. If her temp goes up, another reason to call immediately. Good luck.

Re: new mom with diarreha

I just had this-c-sect. large litter-watery stools for a week-vet finally gave me pres. food to mix in with her reg food. (We did the boiled chicken and rice, etc-did not work)
Within 2 days of adding this food it firmed her right up-I transitioned over to just her food after another week and all was fine. Temp was fine thru all of this.
She made plenty of milk for the babies too so don't be afraid to feed it even though it is not puppy food. They continued to gain daily.
It made it easier for her as she had to keep leaving the box to run outside-it was horrible-and she had no retained placentas nor did she consume any

Re: new mom with diarreha

about a tbsp in each meal. works well but too much can constipate.

I also agree with checking her temp to be on the safe side.

Re: new mom with diarreha

Stress of labor/whelp can bring out coccidia and girardia. I would get a stool sample to the vet. I just went through this and almost lost a pup when the little ones caught it.

Re: new mom with diarreha

Every time I brought a section home, the vet had prescribed Rimadyl.