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Not a Lypoma

My 5 year old male is under the knife right now. We thought we were going in to remove a Lypoma on his shoulder. The clinic just called and said it is not a lypoma, and she isn't sure what it is yet.

Last week I took him in because it was swollen up and when aspirated it was full of blood. We had previously aspirated a year ago and it was all fat cells, no lymph cells. This time there were lymph cells but they were all normal. She thought he may have hit it on something and that was why we saw them.

I'm really worried now that it's cancer. Has anyone had something similar that wasn't cancer, but something else?

Re: Not a Lypoma

Sounds similar to what we just went through. It was hemagiosarcoma. Hope it turns out alright for your boy.

Re: Not a Lypoma

Just saw last night a bloody growth or something on my 12 yr old girl's chest. At first I thought that it was her teat that had gotten injured but I do not think it is.
She is going in today to have the vet look at it.
Good thoughts and prayers are welcome.

Re: Not a Lypoma

Good thoughts and prayers for both of your babies.