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urinating in the house

Have a family who has a 3 yr old spayed female and a 12 yr old neutered male. The female has started urinating in the home. Took her for urinalysis and complete blood work up-all negative. She did this last year and the vet just put her on an anti biotic without any testing-she stopped eventually-not sure if it was due to the meds. This time the vet is new and won't prescribe without an infection. This has been going on for weeks.
Should any other tests be run?
No change has occurred in her life other than she was dog sat for my their children when the parents went away, food the same, schedule the same, etc.
Can anyone offer up advice?
Thank you for responding

Re: urinating in the house

When it happened last year, were the owners away too? Just a thought.

Re: urinating in the house

Pet families sometimes are not the best observers. I know of families that were certain one dog was having problems. Turned out the other one was the culprit. Just to be sure, ask these folks if they have seen her do it. Also ask if the urine is in the middle of the floor or on the periphery. Boys prefer the periphery. Just a thought.

Re: urinating in the house

Also, if she is urinating in her bed they should have her hormone levels checked. Bladder control problems can happen in bitches that are spayed young. Sometimes a simple hormone replacement will take care of wetting.

Re: urinating in the house

Had a girl who came up negative on urinalysis, but upon having an ultrasound, was found to have a lesion on the bladder wall. It took almost a year of antibiotics, but she cleared.

Re: urinating in the house

No, hey were not away last time this happened.
Yes, I had them crate the boy to make sure it was the female-it was.
I will mention hormone levels-Is that a simple blood test?
I will mention the US-thank you for that one-never heard of that!

Re: urinating in the house

Nothing was mentioned about her water consumption. Has that increased? If so that opens a whole different realm of possible causes.

Re: urinating in the house

Check a culture and sensitivity.

Re: urinating in the house

She has slightly increased water intake. What does that bring to your mind-CBC was normal
I will suggest running above mentioned.-thank you

Re: urinating in the house

One thing - unless the vet clinic does in-house culture and sensitivities or there is a referral lab within 3 or 4 hours max. driving distance, the results will always come back negative. Just due to the death of the bacteria from sitting in the urine.

I'm lucky - I can collect a sterile sample by syringe/ needle at home and can have it at the referral lab and plated in less than 20 minutes.