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Anyone ever hear of a puppy of 12 months coming down with Strangles? The Dr. did diagnose it as Strangles and started her on the Steroids.

Re: Strangles?

I recently had the same thing happen. The owners of the puppy I sold said she came down with strangles at 9 months. Their vet did a round of pred and she recovered. She just had a relapse at 12 months. It sounds strange to me so I advised them to see a specialist. I suspect something else is going on.

Re: Strangles?

No one has any answers?

Re: Strangles?

Thank you for responding...."please please" let me know? I did have one who did have Strangles in this litter at 4 months I believe and all healed well. It seems to be coming up more often??Another thing to worry about in our breed!

Re: Strangles?

What part of the country do you live in? East coast, West coast, Central, North, South? I think there is a bacterial or viral issue involved with the start of strangles. I know it isn't believed that that is the case, but prove it otherwise. Something is making the puppies sick; not just an immature immune system.

Re: Strangles?

East coast. Spoke to a Doberman breeder today and she said they haven't had mange in a long time and this year with the heat and the humid weather she has a litter that came down with it. So maybe it does have something to do with heat and moisture. Suppose we will never know.

Re: Strangles?

East coast here too. My first case of strangles ever and it's more than one pup. Very depressing.

Re: Strangles?

FYI. Cornell dermatologist says there is a rash of Labrador litters with Strangles at this time. Unusually so. Keep your pups cool and inside as much as possible...that's my advice.

vaccines? Re: Strangles?

"FYI. Cornell dermatologist says there is a rash of Labrador litters with Strangles at this time. Unusually so. Keep your pups cool and inside as much as possible...that's my advice."

It could be bug borne, or air borne, or just the luck or the draw, but I have to wonder: is there any vaccine brand similarity in the litters Cornell mentions? Were the Lab litters all vaccinated with the same vaccine? Had a field bred litter start into a rash after Merial canarypox vectored vaccine; had my only case of strangles in a litter vaccinated with it 4 or 5 years before that. The litters were totally unrelated, at least 10 generations out, but Labs and had that brand, which the vet didn't normally use. Had some vaccine reactions in other, non related older pups of another breed to Merial with Lepto. Finally stopped using that brand, although it is highly regarded in terms of its protectiveness against the disease. It seems to overwhelm some immune systems. Either that or there is a weird outbreak of canarypox (given the skin conditions) via the altered (recombinant) DNA--which is unlikely, I hope! The overwhelming of immune systems is the only negative on it I could find in my reading, although I am not a vet or healthcare professional.

vaccines? Re: Strangles?

What is Canary Pox? Please describe. Does it behave like Strangles? Is the treatment the same?

vaccines? Re: Strangles?

Canary Pox is a bird disease. However, vaccine makers are using it to make vaccines for humans and for pets. One of the side effects of the vaccines can be a rash.
It is a pox disease, like chicken pox. With my strangles pups, at first there were rashes, in the ears, then lymph swelling etc. Never the muzzle much, unlike the strangles pups I had known previously from other breeders. It took weeks on the first pup, but with the second litter, we recognized it went quickly into local pred ointment treatment. The pustules burst, then went away sooner. I don't remember the rest of the treatment on second litter.

vaccines? Re: Strangles?

My vet told me yesterday that he has seen 3 litters with strangles this summer. Normally he sees 1-2 every 3-5 years. He does believe a bacteria is involved and that Labradors might have a predisposition toward strangles. Having said that he told me to talk to the derm vets at Cornell. One pup has an appt. there on Monday.