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If you vaccinate an 8 week puppy with the Duramune Max 5-Cvk/4L vaccine, can you do it at 8, 11, 15 and 18 weeks to get 4 vaccinations in or should you just do 8, 12 and 16? My vet recommends kennel cough at 8 weeks which is already done, and rabies at 12 weeks, 1st lyme at 12, 2nd lyme 2 weeks later? Just curious what everyone else uses as a schedule?

Re: Vaccinations

1. Would not use Fort Dodge
2. Would not use corona after the first shot, if then
3. Would not vaccinate a young pup (under 12 or 14 weeks) for Lepto.
4. Would vaccinate for distemper and parvo according to threat or perceived threat of exposure from shows, veterinary hospitals, wild canids, strays, etc. If you need immunity early for those killer diseases, vaccinate early; otherwise, start at 9 weeks, maybe 8 weeks, not sending pups home for a few days.
5. Sure as heck would NOT give rabies at the same time as Lyme and a lot of other shots, especially if within a week of the distemper/parvo, etc. booster.
6. How do your litters generally handle your vaccine schedule? If well, then I guess stick with what seems to work, in spite of my comments.
7. If you use a high titer vaccine guaranteed to give parvo immunity by age of 12 weeks, give second vaccine at or after 12 weeks, depending on circumstances of exposure.
8. Titer for the next set of shots. Then go to Rabies vaccine.

You asked!

Re: Vaccinations

Where we live, lepto and corona aren't really prevalent. Lymes isn't necessary where we are either.

I typically use the VANGUARD® PLUS 5 at 7.5 weeks since I want it done with some days to spare before pups go at 8 weeks. Then 11 wks, then 15 weeks, then rabies usually around 20 weeks. Never with the other shots.

Re: Vaccinations

I always appreciate any point of view, so thanks. As far as Fort Dodge, I was always under the impression from other breeders that the Lyme Vaccine, not regular one is controversial in Labradors. I have heard the regular vaccine is safe. Veterinarians seem to swear by it and have no issue with it. Actually the vaccine is much more expensive than the Vanguard, so maybe i will switch to Vanguard once I run out of this tray. I also don't vaccinate at 6 weeks as I hold puppies until 8 or 9, so do the first vaccine at 8 wks. My puppies are 16 to 20 lbs by the time they are vaccinated, and several veterinarians have told me it is safe to vaccinate for Lepto at that time, that they are big enough puppies, and that it isn't a problem. If it were a toy breed, or smaller breed that weighed 5 lbs, it wouldn't be a good idea. I have been doing it for about ten years and have probably vaccinated 100 puppies this way, but am always open to change and advice :0) I was told if I start vaccinating at 6 weeks to use the vaccination without Lepto at 6 weeks and then start using lepto at 9 or 12. I am open to suggestions though about whether this is dangerous. After reading your email, it does make me think why vets told me it was safe, and that they never told me the Fort Dodge distemper vaccine shouldn't be used. Also, my vet has always done a rabies vaccine on all my dogs between 12 and 14 weeks, and always done the first lyme on that day? Should start doing the lyme on a different day? What would your ideal schedule be for lyme and rabies? Just curious? And when do you give KC? I used to do it around 12 wks, now I do the nose spray earlier than that, usually around 9 wks.

Re: Vaccinations

I always appreciate any point of view, so thanks. As far as Fort Dodge, I was always under the impression from other breeders that the Lyme Vaccine, not regular one is controversial in Labradors. I have heard the regular vaccine is safe. Veterinarians seem to swear by it and have no issue with it. Actually the vaccine is much more expensive than the Vanguard, so maybe i will switch to Vanguard once I run out of this tray. I also don't vaccinate at 6 weeks as I hold puppies until 8 or 9, so do the first vaccine at 8 wks. My puppies are 16 to 20 lbs by the time they are vaccinated, and several veterinarians have told me it is safe to vaccinate for Lepto at that time, that they are big enough puppies, and that it isn't a problem. If it were a toy breed, or smaller breed that weighed 5 lbs, it wouldn't be a good idea. I have been doing it for about ten years and have probably vaccinated 100 puppies this way, but am always open to change and advice :0) I was told if I start vaccinating at 6 weeks to use the vaccination without Lepto at 6 weeks and then start using lepto at 9 or 12. I am open to suggestions though about whether this is dangerous. After reading your email, it does make me think why vets told me it was safe, and that they never told me the Fort Dodge distemper vaccine shouldn't be used. Also, my vet has always done a rabies vaccine on all my dogs between 12 and 14 weeks, and always done the first lyme on that day? Should start doing the lyme on a different day? What would your ideal schedule be for lyme and rabies? Just curious? And when do you give KC? I used to do it around 12 wks, now I do the nose spray earlier than that, usually around 9 wks.

Your post is very difficult to understand since it is so rambling. But, specifically, what Lyme Disease vaccination are you talking about?

The Ft.Dodge Lyme Vax is one which my vet will not use. We are loaded with deer & ticks in my area with very high rates of confirmed Lyme Disease. My vet recommends the Recombitek Lyme Vaccine from Merial. I am curious as to just what Lyme Disease serum you are talking about.

Re: Vaccinations

I have the vaccination protocol for veterinarians but I don't see how to include an attachment here. Anyone who wants it can email me privately for it.

I also use the Vanguard Plus 5 for pups, no corona, no lyme.


Re: Vaccinations

Here is another link: Notice Corona info. If you are doing first vaccination at 8 weeks - no corona - pups are not suseptible to it at that age.

For some reason I can't get to the next page on this site right now but maybe you can. I think the corona info is on page 6 or 7. The entire site is very informative.

Re: Vaccinations

if you are vaccinating for kennel cough
- the injectable version requires 2 injections

- the intranasal version - when given to puppies under 10 weeks should be repeated in 4 weeks. For high risk dogs it should be given every 6 months.

Re: Vaccinations

Is anyone waiting until 9-10wks for first vaccine given? If so, how long have you been doing it this way and have you had any issues?

This means we are keeping them longer before they are going to their new homes or the new owner is having the first vaccine done.

This waiting until 9-10 wks for first coverage scares the beejesus out of me. New owners love nothing more than trasping their new puppy all over kingdom come to show him off!