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Cardiac Echo

What is the going rate for cardiac echos done at a vets office ? Do they offer Echo's of the heart at dogs shows ? Is it less expensive ? If so who does the test and what do they charge?

Re: Cardiac Echo

A cardiologist performs the test, not your regular vet. They need expensive equipment to do the color doppler echo. I recently paid over $400 for an echo at a specialty vet clinic. It's usually cheaper at shows, but the dogs are also a little more stressed, too. Maybe $150-$200 range.

Re: Cardiac Echo

I think geographic location has a great deal to do with cost. I just paid $220 in Ga from a cardiac specialist.

Re: Cardiac Echo

I was wondering if location would have anything to do with price. If you have your dog echoed at a show do you have to pre register or can you just show up ??Do kennel clubs ever have clinics in the Indiana,or Ohio area ?

Re: Cardiac Echo

Yes, you usually have to pre register. Some Dobie and Cavalier clubs have echo clinics. Another idea is to contact the vet school closest to you and ask for a breeder's cardiac screening. You may have to speak directly to the cardiologist when making the appointment. Many will discount for a breeding health clearance, as opposed to a heart problem.

Re: Cardiac Echo

Newbie 3
I was wondering if location would have anything to do with price. If you have your dog echoed at a show do you have to pre register or can you just show up ??Do kennel clubs ever have clinics in the Indiana,or Ohio area ?

Clinic prices, be they in a cardiologists office or at a clinic at a show is anywhere from $150 to $250. A regular cardiologist appointment, I would venture a guess would be more costly than a clinic no matter where it is.

Ask your club or by posting you might hear of a clinic in the states you mentioned. Sign up early, usually the cost is lower doing so & gets you a spot early on.

Your location should not be a pricey one. East and west coasts I've heard are the most expensive, not central US.

The average clinic cost is around $200 as far as I know throughout the States.