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Seniors and Vaccinations

Is the vaccination protocol different for seniors? I have a 7 & 9 year old. Thank you.

Re: Seniors and Vaccinations

Yes, if following more scientific protocol. For the core vaccines, distemper, parvo and maybe adenovirus, titer every 3 years. Rabies is by local law, hopefully no more than every 3 years. Granted, many use this same protocol for all dogs over the age of 2 yrs, so they start titering at age 5 years. Some would not bother to titer a dog of age 9 years after the first positive or protective titer result.

Re: Seniors and Vaccinations

The protocol I posted is NOT for diseases of bacterial origin. See articles by Dr. Jean Dodds, or Dr. Schultz, etc. Check with a vet for your particular dogs.