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hair loss on lower legs

Do any of you have dogs that have a summer hair loss problem on the fronts of their knees (front legs)? My dogs don't have alergies that I know of, but every so often they have thinning hair loss patches on their lower legs at the knee and tops of their feet. It almost always only on the front legs. It is always during the itchy dry summer blowing coat stage when this happens. It always goes away but what the heck is this? Is there a remedy?

Re: hair loss on lower legs

Do any of you have dogs that have a summer hair loss problem on the fronts of their knees (front legs)? My dogs don't have alergies that I know of, but every so often they have thinning hair loss patches on their lower legs at the knee and tops of their feet. It almost always only on the front legs. It is always during the itchy dry summer blowing coat stage when this happens. It always goes away but what the heck is this? Is there a remedy?

My dogs usually blow coat in all areas but the there. They don't lose coat there.

Is there any chance your dog could have allergies in those spots? Is the dog itchy or red on the legs? I would look closer to see if you notice the dog itching, if he has dry skin or any redness.

Re: hair loss on lower legs

Cane they have alergies in spots? No redness in the area.

Re: hair loss on lower legs

Front legs and feet are common areas for allergy dogs to wear away hair by licking and chewing. Could be stress-caused too maybe, or fleas. I have seen some lick spots that were not red and the dog did have allergies. Also on yellow dogs the hair may turn pink from licking. Yes, allergies can make spots, though usually with redness, as in a weeping red hot spot.