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Litter born on the 4th of July

My latest litter was born on the 4th of July and of course I would like to have a "4th of July" theme for their names, but have only come up with a few, like "Stars and stripes forver"
" Born on the 4th of July" I know there are some very smart people out there so any ideas would be great.

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

'Independence Day'
'Fly the Flag"
'Thirteen Gun Salute'
'Flags 'n' Fanfare'

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

Firecracker / call names like Sparkler,Roman, Bottle Rocket
Freedom Fetchers/ call names like John, Paul, Jones,Adams,Jefferson... lol.

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

Yankee Doodley Dandy
Independence Day
Uncle Sam

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

I like others ideas as well, but I don't know how many you have. You could name one Wave that Flag ..... a classic Dead song from many a 4th of July Show!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

What about a theme using the FIFA World Cup? It seems that the July 4th theme is a bit over done.

"Wave your flag" was the popular hit song/theme for the World Cup
"Kick that ball"

If you want to stick to the July 4th Theme

"Kennel Name's Red-White-Blue"
"Kennel Name's Light my Sparkler"
"Kennel Name's Ka-Ka-Ka-BOOOOM"
"Kennel Name's Celebration

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

Had a litter born on July 1 - Canada Day and named them all after Fireworks...Roman Candle, Mad Whistle, etc can look up the names of fireworks and there are a ton!

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

Great suggestions, keep them coming.

Re: Litter born on the 4th of July


Re: Litter born on the 4th of July

Here are some ideas:

Betsy (Ross)
Benjamin (Franklin)
(Old) Glory
Piccolo Pete
Dolly (Madison)
(Liberty) Belle
(Red, White, &) Blue
(Star Spangled) Banner

Have fun!