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Anyone have experience with QUIET kennel doors?

I currently have the Mason Pickwick doors, and although I love mostly everything about them they are VERY loud. We have tried everything to quiet them, and Mason has tried also. I am in the process of looking for new QUIET doors, any suggestions would be appreciated. You may e-mail me privately if you want. THANKS

Re: Anyone have experience with QUIET kennel doors?

Hi Anne: Do you actually require a door that gives the option of going in and out freely? We use the pully doors (Mason Kenl-Dor) where they are open all day, and closed in at night (can't trust those nasty coyotes ;))

Re: Anyone have experience with QUIET kennel doors?

We use Petsafe doors with the vinyl flaps. We raise Newfies and Labs and although they eventually wear out, they are not loud, and on days like today, they keep the cool air in the kennel.

Re: Anyone have experience with QUIET kennel doors?

Take a look at these doors (don't worry about the "cat" word in the URL)
We have the Plexi-doors in 6 runs at the house, 3 doors and we are trying out the heavy duty kennel door model at the boarding kennel.
They are not perfect, but generally maintenance needed is readjusting the spring. I have had only 1 litter and one older dog that really have done a job on these doors. The doors are quiet, easy for even 6 week old puppies to open, no tail or paw slamming, the heavy duty have metal around the edges to prevent chewing and replacement doors and springs are available separately.

Re: Anyone have experience with QUIET kennel doors?

I have a Smart Pet dog door that I love. We've had it for 6 years and it's get lots of use. It's quiet and air tight. Not cheap but well worth the price