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Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Any Results?

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Saw on Facebook (assume correct):

WD - Hyspire Singular Sensation
Best in Sweeps - Hyspire Mainland Pedal to the Metal
Best Op in Sweeps - Harlequin Downhill Racer
Veteran Sweeps - Ch Laney's Let Freedom Soar

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Congratulations to the winners so far! But I think Single is already finished, so how can he be WD?

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

The results are correct as I am here and due to AKC and a short story he needed 3 minor points

Any more results?


Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Single is finished. I considered using him in the Spring. Just double checked the website, still listed as CH. Wonder what's up?

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Single is finished. I considered using him in the Spring. Just double checked the website, still listed as CH. Wonder what's up?

Not according to the AKC's website. It states he has 12 points, 3 majors and 3 judges. I have no idea what the story is, not my business, but since the question is here on the forum, all it takes is to check AKC's site for the information. So whatever the story is, he's finished now-CONGRATULATIONS to the Hyspire ladies! Another lovely boy you got there!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Actually, his owners/breeders have shown for years and definitely know how to count points! It appears that AKC took a five point major from him last October.

He's a beautiful boy who is very deserving of his championship. Congrats Judy, Vonnie and Lisa!

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Apparently there was an appeal filed for a 5 point major from the reserve winners dog and AKC took his points away!!! Go Hyspire, Congrats on Single's win, he's awesome!!!!

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

ah yes - that issue. Oh well - Let sleeping dogs lie.

Lets get the rest of the results?

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Via Facebook:

BISS: BISS CH Sureshot Hyspire Impressive
WB/BOW:Nipntuck I Believe
RWB: BISS Can CH Nipntuck Show Me The Magic
BOS: Ella (sorry no registered name mentioned) LOL

There seems to be some fun going on in this thread on FB but this is what I gather the results were. If there are any corrections, feel free to post.

Hope everyone is having a great time up there! Congrats to all the winners!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Any more results? Dianne?

Where is the fun on FB?

Re: Any more results? Dianne?

Where is the fun on FB?

Just some friends on FB that are up there. One FB friend reporting it and other friends joining in.


Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Wait. So, RWD actually appealed the WD's win and that's why his points were taken away?????????
Why would someone do that??? Regardless of the situation, I doubt many would have the you know what's to do it. Man. That's sucky all around :(
I don't know what show but I bet it wouldn't take long to figure it out.

Apparently there was an appeal filed for a 5 point major from the reserve winners dog and AKC took his points away!!! Go Hyspire, Congrats on Single's win, he's awesome!!!!

RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

This is another lesson is good sportsmanship when
the Reserve Winner should just complain and write to the AKC so they can get the points

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Mid Jersey attendee
This is another lesson is good sportsmanship when
the Reserve Winner should just complain and write to the AKC so they can get the points

Get your facts right. You are obviously clueless to the actual events that led up to this. It's fine to have an opinion, but it is best if it is based on knowledge and truth.

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Congrats Abby Crosby!!! Is he finished ?

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Congrats Abby Crosby!!! Is he finished ?


Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Well, since I live on the East Coast and attend all the specialties here I will say the owner of RWD is ALWAYS complaining outside of the ring when she does not win, I just witnessed it again at Boston, her bitching to her sister about a dog that beat her in the ring, Is this what you call good sportsmanship??

And just so you know I DO have ALL the facts1

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

No....I call that BAD sportsmanship. Single is 10 times the dog that RWD is, thats why he beat him!
Congrats to Hyspire and Single for finishing twice under breeder judges! That tells you the quality of the dog.

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

BRAVO, well said !!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to Single :)

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Dog Show Girl
No....I call that BAD sportsmanship. Single is 10 times the dog that RWD is, thats why he beat him!

Oh my! That's rather rude.

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

No. Those are his first and only points.

Congrats Abby Crosby!!! Is he finished ?

Re: Any more results? Dianne?

Dianne, stop trying to start something. If we want to go to facebook we will, but right now we are trying to read the WISCOY forum ! And for those being such bad sports themselves I know your dogs are real proud of you. What cut throats. If breeder in our area wern't so darn nice some us would stop showing if we had to be around you all. Bunch of jealous kids. And who the heck is Single ?

Re: Any more results? Dianne?

STOP IT ALL OF YOU Neither the ladies of Hyspire nor Abby would want this crap on the Wiscoy forum. END IT HERE

Hopefully this thread will be removed. If it doesnt affect you stay the hell out of it and dont take a private matter public.

Re: Any more results? Dianne?

It is really a very ugly thread at this point. I'm embarrassed for the sorry excuse of humanity that has brought this on a publicly read forum. Please , take your jealousy eleswhere. Go home , study, and breed better dogs !

Re: Any more results? Dianne?

Dianne, stop trying to start something. If we want to go to facebook we will, but right now we are trying to read the WISCOY forum ! And for those being such bad sports themselves I know your dogs are real proud of you. What cut throats. If breeder in our area wern't so darn nice some us would stop showing if we had to be around you all. Bunch of jealous kids. And who the heck is Single ?

Good Gawd why does everything turn out to be *MY* fault? I did not start this thread, I was not the one who first posted some of the results that a FB friend posted on her page and later posted more, of which I posted thinking some people might actually want to know here since the thread came up.

What I can't have friends on FB? Well if you saw my account, I have quite a few friends on FB! I also did NOT bring up the "story" of Single. I did not even know there was a story about him! I simply did a quick check on AKC to see that he indeed needed just 3 more points as someone else pointed out. And just because I do choose to use my real name on here that makes me a scapegoat???? You people should be ashamed of yourselves. I've posted nothing wrong here, in fact, I even congratulated the winners. Yea, I'm such an evil, horrible person. Let's all dump on me again. I just love it. To those people who sit here with nothing better to do and rip people apart under anonymous names, GET A LIFE! I'm just trying to be helpful, it's what I do for a living! If you don't like my posts, DON'T READ THEM! It's quite clear, I AM NOT GOING AWAY! Love me or hate me, I'm still here. Have a great weekend and go play with your dogs!


Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

We all sat ringside at Mid Jersey 2009, and knew that the rules were being broken that day. The scuttle was that Margaret Brown had leased a dog from Hyspire. It was quickly confirmed by checking the website.
"Flash! Armani is off to Scotland for a year to stand at stud and will not be available for service in the US. He will return in 2010."
No matter how you look at it, there was a business arrangement. Not only did this confirm a business arrangement between judge and exhibitor, but he is photo'd with her. Both parties are at fault in this situation. The judge (as per the AKC judges handbook page 2) "The key is to avoid all situations that are likely to give the impression of impropriety. You must do everything possible to keep your reputation above reproach." The exhibitor (who in my opinion should absolutely know better, being a JUDGE/ EXHIBITOR) as per the Judges rulebook page 3.."The responsibility for entering dogs that are ineligible or that create a conflict of interest is with the exhibitor." Both parties involved in this impropriety, would have had to read this handbook to obtain their judging liscenses. Everyone was aware and the exhibitor should have been excused. But who would have the guts to excuse an exhibitor who has driven across the country just to show to her.

To Keep this Real...blaming the RWD for any of this "improriety" is a waste of time. Kudos to whomever filed the complaint, because they had the guts to stand up for the rules/regulations of AKC. Just because you are a judge, with heavy stud service, successful dogs, and a big name, does not mean you can assume you are above the rules.

Your dog poop smells just like everyone elses.

Everyone is equal when they walk through the gates and the rules also apply to YOU! Let's hope there were lessons learned.

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

...the facts are as outlined here, then it makes sense. It's too bad that it happened, and it's too bad there were people taking sides and saying nasty things before they knew the facts. In my opinion, the Hyspire Ladies are just that. Ladies. They are respectable and, in my dealings with them, honest. They also have gorgeous dogs. They should. They have been at it for a long time and they do their homework. I'm sure there are those who are envious because they don't enjoy the same level of success, but mistakes happen and we don't need to get our claws out and get nasty without knowing the facts. Get over it, move on, and try to see the sunshine, instead of the clouds, in your day.

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

This ordeal can hardly be classified as a "mistake".

Re: Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Thursday, July 15, 2010 “Brown Bag”

Nor is it an "ordeal". It's just a dog show sweetheart.

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Dog Show Girl
No....I call that BAD sportsmanship. Single is 10 times the dog that RWD is, thats why he beat him!
Congrats to Hyspire and Single for finishing twice under breeder judges! That tells you the quality of the dog.

You're ignorance is embarrassing. Single did not lose his points on his lack of quality. He is a top quality dog. What I can't understand is why people blame the reserve dog for a decision made by the AKC. That is why we have reserve. This is not an uncommon occurrence. I know many people that got points when they went reserve. No one usually feels the need to rip apart the dog like you do. Seems to me you need to wash the brown off your nose.

Let just stop this.

Grap happens. But no one should be calling names on this forum. Does not make us like either party any better and really makes us dislike the one who is stirring it all up. And sure she won't go away. But what goes around comes around.

Re: Let just stop this.

Name calling ? The issue was *corrected* rules are rules and it doesn't matter because everybody wins !

Single is finished and Copy That has his first points.

Win Win Win.....Let's just be nice and work towards good sportsmanship.

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Dog Show Girl
Well, since I live on the East Coast and attend all the specialties here I will say the owner of RWD is ALWAYS complaining outside of the ring when she does not win, I just witnessed it again at Boston, her bitching to her sister about a dog that beat her in the ring, Is this what you call good sportsmanship??

And just so you know I DO have ALL the facts1

I have been in her company several times and NEVER heard her knock any one else's dog or a complain about any one elses win.

I think you have her confused with someone else. She happens to be one of the nicest people in the breed. Sheesh!!

Stop your trouble making, it's not a becoming trait.

Re: RWD Mid Jersey now has the major

Dog Show Girl
Well, since I live on the East Coast and attend all the specialties here I will say the owner of RWD is ALWAYS complaining outside of the ring when she does not win, I just witnessed it again at Boston, her bitching to her sister about a dog that beat her in the ring, Is this what you call good sportsmanship??

And just so you know I DO have ALL the facts1

I have been in her company several times and NEVER heard her knock any one else's dog or a complain about any one elses win.

I think you have her confused with someone else. She happens to be one of the nicest people in the breed. Sheesh!!

Stop your trouble making, it's not a becoming trait.

I completely agree. I have worked with her and have been in her company at numerous specialties and never have I heard a bad word about anyone or any dog. She is as sweet as they come, especially in this breed full of people who have nothing better to do then cause problems for other people. This entire matter is private and should never have been brought onto this forum. Neither of the parties involved deserve this BS.