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Congrats, first weekend out, first major!

I just wanted to give a major CONGRATULATIONS to my good friend Tricia Seifert of Seifert Labradors for her boy Weikenlin's I Wish Upon Star's first win. In only his first weekend out, second show he was WD at just under a year of age for his first major at the Ventura County Dog Fancier Show this past Sunday! Way to go Toby and Tricia. He is a stunning chocolate boy who will go far! Thanks for letting me present him in the ring for you.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Congrats, first weekend out, first major!

congrats to everyone involved

Re: Congrats, first weekend out, first major!

Anyone have a line to Weikenlin's Labradors ? Is it under another kennel name. Congrats.

Re: Congrats, first weekend out, first major!

Re: Congrats, first weekend out, first major!

We were so surprised with Toby's win! It was so exciting to watch him, his first time out. Thank you Dianne for presenting him, you did an excellent job! To Ken (and Linda looking down on us) WE THANK YOU for entrusting us with one of your pups, we have had many positive comments on him.