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X-Pens For Travel

I'm looking to purchase (an investment like everything else connected with this sport) new x-pens and would like to know what's best in terms of height, weight, cost & where to buy. Are 36" in height high enough for adult labs -- or should they be at least 42"? (I have only bitches, not dogs -- and only traveling with 1-3 at a time.) For puppies, in the back yard, I have some that are 30" but I'm afraid that's not high enough to travel with. Any suggestions would be welcomed! TIA!

Re: X-Pens For Travel

I guess a lot depends on your dogs, but I generally use 36" X's. I have some 42's, but don't usually pack them unless I HAVE to.

Re: X-Pens For Travel

I'd love to know too as I'm tired of hauling my 48" x-pens to shows. Is 36" high enough for most boys if they aren't escape artists?