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Post mortem - GBSHCH & Swedish Show Champion Ramsayville Route Sixty Six -Willy - RIP

Post mortem on Willy's sudden death is up at:

Re: Post mortem - GBSHCH & Swedish Show Champion Ramsayville Route Sixty Six -Willy - RIP

End of rumours...
Post mortem on Willy's sudden death is up at:

This should make it a little easier.

Rest in peace Willy.

Re: Post mortem - GBSHCH & Swedish Show Champion Ramsayville Route Sixty Six -Willy - RIP

Rest in peace, Willy.

Re: Post mortem - GBSHCH & Swedish Show Champion Ramsayville Route Sixty Six -Willy - RIP

I'm so sorry for your loss. What I do understand from the report is that it was cancer?
So sorry! He is in a place of peace now.

Re: Post mortem - GBSHCH & Swedish Show Champion Ramsayville Route Sixty Six -Willy - RIP

GODSPEED TO YOU GENTLE GIANT!!!! You certainly left a mark during your journey here on earth! Run and chase the clouds!