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Tremor in Hind Leg After Exercise

My male has quite a noticeable tremor in his hind leg after exercise (playing catch or soccer). It is more profound on his left side than his right and it's only after exercising. Is this a sign of hip dysplasia or myopathy? He is 4 yrs old. It seems to be getting worse the older he gets. I think or it could be my imagination that there is also some weakness in the one leg. Any information would be appreciated before we go to the vet for this. Thanks.

Re: Tremor in Hind Leg After Exercise

I had an older female that had this. Her's would start after just walking a few blocks. My vet suggested I take her to a veterinary chiropractor. Apparently something was misaligned in her spine and after just two treatments, the tremor was gone! I continued to take her for other problems, but the tremor never came back. It was amazing! Up to that time, I'd never been a big believer in chiropractic - human or otherwise - but I am now.