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Involuntary Leg Kicks

A have a healthy 18 month old black male. I got him at 10 weeks of age and he has been having occasional episodes of what seems to be an involunatary kicking out of a leg - mostly a back leg but once in a while a front leg, too. Sometimes he seems to be aware of the action and sometimes not. This has been happening ever since I got him. I've discussed it with my vet but he's never seen it happen. He's never been lame or injured in any way.

I am currently using Revolution heartworm and flea preventative but am thinking of changing to see if this has anything to do with it - possibly a weird reaction to it????

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this with a dog?

Re: Involuntary Leg Kicks

Next time he's doing it, take out your cell phone or camera and get a video of it to show your vet. My girl had a seizure twice after application of Frontline. Vet swore it couldn't be that but I'm convinced it was and never used it again after the second more seizures. Some of these poisons do effect the central nervous system so he might be unusually sensitive...or something else altogether. In any case, if you get it on tape it might help with a diagnosis.

Re: Involuntary Leg Kicks

Thanks - I've been thinking that too since the Revolution acts on the nervous system of the parasites, maybe he's just sensitive to it.

The kicks happen so sporadically that it would be difficult to get on film. It's usually just one kick and then it's over. Sometimes he'll whip around and chew on the leg like it itches or something bit him so he must be feeling something. I'm thinking it might be time to have him examined by a chiropractor -just to be sure there isn't something physical going on with his spine.

Re: Involuntary Leg Kicks

I have a boy that does it. He's 28 months old. It only happens with the back legs, nothing else ever happens, just the "donkey" kick and he keeps on going. This boy had one seizure; however it happened after he ate a wad of grass that was treated with Ortho Ground clear about 48 hours prior (which according to the label should be safe for animals; however they probably didn't anticipate dogs eating grass). The kicks have been happening since we got him and post-seizure. The bloodwork after the seizure were fine except for low thyroid...and I suspect the low thyroid # due to the poisoning. We do not use any type of flea/tick control due to where we live, he's had no recent vaccinations, and this has happened while he's been on HW medication and also when he's been off.

Re: Involuntary Leg Kicks

I have a girl that has done that with one front leg every now and again since a puppy-she is going to be 4 and is fine. I just think it is a muscle spasm...

Re: Involuntary Leg Kicks

Thanks so much for your replies. Knowing other's have seen this in their dogs helps relieve my mind that there is probably nothing seriously wrong. My boy is extremely active and so far, extremely healthy - but I was worrying about this.

Re: Involuntary Leg Kicks

Is he standing still or was he on the move when he does it?? Just can't envision what the front leg would be doing, but as far as the back leg, did your vet palpate to rule out luxating patella? Maybe a Grade I if it's occasional and pops back in on it's on.

Re: Involuntary Leg Kicks

Thanks for the luxating patella idea. The reason I don't think it's that is because it happens in his back and front legs. I've never seen it happen when he was walking or running. Usually he is laying down, but it also happens when he is standing. It's just weird! I worry it's neurological because all four legs are involved...