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Grand Champion Labradors

I visited the AKC website a little while ago to get more information about the Grand Championship as I have a finished boy at home and even though he's not Specialing, he's young and LOVES to show. I think I pretty much understand the process and once the weather gets a little cooler, I'm going to take him out and try for some of those Select points and who knows, maybe a Breed or two.
However, when I looked for the Labs that had finished the Grand Championship, I found only 4!
My congratulations go out to the following first 4 Lab Grand Champions:

GCH CH Ridge View's Magician

GCH CH Arlon's Indy Anna Jones

GCH CH Willcare To Fly Under The Radar

GCH CH Rosewater 24

What a great accomplishment! I also read about the AKC's new initiative to present the first 10 Grand Champions in each breed with a special medallion. I think this is awesome.
Again, my congratulations to these first 4 very deserving Labs (I know a couple and looked up a couple), and congratulations to their owners, breeders, handlers, and sires and dams as well! What an honor for all!

Can't wait to get my boy out there later this year!

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

Wow that is fantastic news. Congratulations to all the first labrador Grand Champions and their breeders, owners and handlers.

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

Congrats to the new Gr.CH's! There are many more coming along. It's nice to see something new in AKC to get the already established CH dogs out there more.

Keep it up breeders!

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

Can someone please explain how the point system works to earn a grand champion title? Thanks, I still don't get it.

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

This is how I figured out. Hope it helps. I think if you read it thoroughly you will understand although it's not easy!
Yes, I agree, huge congrats to these first four! So cool! I looked at other Sporting breeds. Many have more than 10 Grand Champions already. This makes these accomplishments even more special.

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

Yes, what a accomplishment indeed! they are really something to watch. I had seen the first three;recently had a chance to watch the Rosewater boy, what an awesome sight he is! Huge CONGRATULATIONS to ALL!!!

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

A special congratulations to the 4 new grand champions!! It is nice to see more breeders and owners bringing out their champions to compete for the grand champion title. Go Labradors!!!

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

A Big Congratulations to all 4 Grand Champions and hope to see some more. This is a very nice Title to add to already Great Champions.

Where can GR CH Arlons Indy Anna Jones be seen? I can't find him on the web?

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

GR CH Arlons Indy Anna Jones isn't a dog, she is a bitch, and lives at Arlon Labradors. You can Google Georgia's website for her email.

Huge Congratulations to Georgia and the owners of the three other Labradors that have achieved this title, you are in rare company!

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

There's a new name to add to the list. GRCH Danbridge Henry J earned his GRC on Friday in VT at the Woodstock show. Congrats to Hank and Marilyn and Karen.

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

Congratulations! AKC usually updates mid week, so we'll see who our new GCHs are! Again, a million kudos to these pioneers!

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

Shelley Ellison
GR CH Arlons Indy Anna Jones isn't a dog, she is a bitch, and lives at Arlon Labradors. You can Google Georgia's website for her email.

Huge Congratulations to Georgia and the owners of the three other Labradors that have achieved this title, you are in rare company!

Yay and congrats to Georgia and GRCH CH Arlons Indy Anna Jones!!!

Re: Grand Champion Labradors

That link takes me to:
Ch.Temeku's India Ink
Don't think this is the same dog.