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Puppy play yard/kennel location

We are blessed with 7 acres of woods and 8 of grasslands. Would you put play yards in the woods or in the grass lands? For the kennel would you put it at the edge of the woods or out in the sun in the breezier grassy area?

Re: Puppy play yard/kennel location

Woods to me mean more mosquitos/bugs. Open areas tend to be more breezy but then you have to put up some type of shade.

Re: Puppy play yard/kennel location

Air naturally flows from a wooded area into an open area. If there is a suitable spot that would be partially in the woods and partially in the open, that would be my choice. That way, they would benefit from the air movement, plus they could be in the shade on hot days.

Re: Puppy play yard/kennel location

I agree. My kennels are in the shade, about a foot in front is open area, so they aren't totally in the shade. Cool and we get nice air flow. I do have roofs on the kennels for snow, rain.

Re: Puppy play yard/kennel location

Wooded area anyday. But we are in the South. So sun beating down for months. Lots are shaded, runs are covered and areas to sun when they want.