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Update on Jake, a year later

Some of you may remember my posts about Jake (Linamia's Thanks forthe Memories RA SH), who suffered an inner ear infection last year that affected his balance and caused his marking in the field to go very bad. Jake did recover from the infection last year, but hunt tests had ended for the year. Well, he went to his first hunt test of 2010 this weekend and got his first MH leg! He did a really good job on 8/9 marks- had to be handled on one very difficult one - the long bird fell within the arc of the short one and behind a grove of trees. Only a few dogs got both those birds without a handle. Jake also earned his RN and RA this spring and summer with scores in the mid to high 90s, two first places, a second, a third and a fourth. Jake is trained and was handled in the field by Larry Sonntag. I trained and handled him to his Rally titles. Oh, and Jake is AKC pointed and has won the Bred By class in about half the shows he's been entered in.

I would also like to congratulate Earl Thomas who bred and owns a conformation bred Master Hunter with AKC points. If I remember correctly, his name is Nachusa's I Walk the Line

Re: Update on Jake, a year later

That's wonderful Peggy! I'm so glad to hear that Jake is back in action! Now go get those other four MH legs...

Re: Update on Jake, a year later

Congrats again Peggy!

Re: Update on Jake, a year later

Wow - it's been a year since all that?! Time DOES fly! Very glad for the update Peggy - GO JAKE!!!!

Re: Update on Jake, a year later

Thanks, Anna. How did things turn out in the JH test? You can email me privately if you would rather. I don't think I ever heard how Sparkle did, and was Earl running in Master? I know he wasn't in B, but maybe he was in A.

Larry emailed that Jake got some lamb chop last night as a reward for his nice work. I going to take him some liver next time I go down to train.