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Rally Brags

Our Two Boys: Wade Remington
Ol Bailey's Tellurdie Big Blue

Got Their Rally Novice Titles This Weekend In Vermont with Placements.

We are very proud of Our Boys!!

Re: Rally Brags

Good for you. Know the dog enjoy doing Rally. And without even trying they are getting ready for a CD and are better dogs for it. Its fun, get out and do it. Congrats.

Re: Rally Brags

Thanks For The Good Advice!

Re: Rally Brags

Try for a CD and RA.. Keep going. Make ir fun. My Labs Love the challenge and it can ne more rewarding and less frustrating than "The Breed Ring"

Re: Rally Brags

Congratulations! Rally is so much fun. Hopefully we'll have our RN by the end of the month

Re: Rally Brags

Congratualtions ....I love Rally and It is so much fun..I do conformationa as well and I beleive they both are a great tool for CDX and Hunting Tests... It all is within one pie and each one is as important as the other....Keep up the good work!