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4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

I have a 4 week old litter and it has been in the 90's around here and humid... Some of them have been shedding a little coat and biting a little bit at their feet and scratching. No allergies in the lines that I know of. I am wodnering if they could be itchy from shedding coat due to the humid , hot weather.
I have only had Fall and Winter litters, so I am not accustomed to hot weather puppies. Anyone experience with this?

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

What are you feeding them?

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

Do you have them in AC?

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

Sounds like fleas to me... It's that time of year!

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

No fleas, A/C was just turned on a few days ago. Pro Plan puppy. Stool is great, pups are growing like a weed.

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

I've never seen fleas on 4 week old puppies any time of year. How the heck would they get them in the whelping box or playpen?

I've always checked Mum n babes daily for anything unusual, never saw a flea on either in my life. Has anyone else?

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

No fleas, A/C was just turned on a few days ago. Pro Plan puppy. Stool is great, pups are growing like a weed.

I didn't think it was fleas. Maybe the food isn't agreeing with them as you have them cool n comfy in the A/C also. It doesn't make sense for all of them to have this problem unless it's food related.

Purina has made so many changes, who knows what they did to Pro Plan Puppy as far as all of us breeders know. Maybe you should contact Purina and ask if they changed their formula.

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

cyleatillia mange (puppy dandruff) (walking dandruff)

Re: 4 week old puppies scratching and shedding?

Sounds like mange. It can come from stress. Revolution: 2 applications should do it. I went through this a couple of years ago and the vet insisted it was nothing, then allergies. Then the mom got it. I took her and a baby into vet and begged for Revolution. It worked immediately.