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trimming puppies nails

I have a new litter that is 2 weeks old. Their little nails have grown so now they are like cat claws. At what age do you trim the nails on the new babies?


Re: trimming puppies nails

I snip the tips at 2 weeks old with a human baby clipper. I do it when they are sleeping so they don't pull the paw away and cause cutting too deeply.
The moms appreciate it. Good luck!

Re: trimming puppies nails

I trim them as soon as they start to get a little long. I use an ordinary Trim nail clipper. Run the clipper under the paw at the nail. Because the nail is curved, it catches on the clipper & you can clip it off in a nanosecond. If you are not familiar with Trim clippers, they are sold in all drug stores for about a dollar.

Re: trimming puppies nails

Make sure you clip them at least once a week, or more, as soon as they get long, until they go home too.

Re: trimming puppies nails

I start early, 4 days and every week after that. Just use regular human nail clippers and catch the turn down. They don't care at all. Hate for them to stratch the mother.

Re: trimming puppies nails

I start at about one week and do it every week to 10 days with a human nail clipper. It is easiest if they are sleeping.

Re: trimming puppies nails

I use cat clippers. They are small and easy to use. And I agree with all of the other responses. The sooner you clip, the easier, and pups get use to it, so when its time to leave the new puppy parents should have no problems.

Re: trimming puppies nails

I start trimming around 4 days old, then every 5 days or so. A friend didn't trim her pups and Mom got scratched and got s nasty staph infection.

Re: trimming puppies nails

I trim the front nails at about 4 or 5 days.....but leave the rear nails for about 2 weeks....I think they get better traction when first learning to crawl (walk) on the fleece bedding.....after that I trim at least once a week until they go home.

Re: trimming puppies nails

I don't trim them until they are weaned. The natural curve of the nail keeps it from poking and scratching the udder. Once they are clipped, there is a sharp edge pointing just at the right angle to cause skin scratches in the mom, and that can lead to irritation and mastitis.