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Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

Just got 2 new bags of Exceed chicken/rice performance blend and noticed that the fat content has dropped from 20% to 16%. Geez, I wish the dogfood producers would quit doing this kind of thing.

Re: Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

I didn't notice, thanks for mentioning it. I have only one of my girls still on this food and I am trying to change her over to something else. Now that I know they have lowered the fat content, I will switch her over without hesitation.

Re: Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

I stopped feeding it when they changed manufacturers of the food the first time. I now feed ONE and PPP, much happier with my results.

Re: Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

I gave it a try for about 2 months and quit it about 2 months ago when I noticed runny poops. I thought I was over feeding, so even cut back the ration a bit but it didn't make a difference. Didn't save the bags so I can't say what formulation it was.

We've been using Diamond Naturals C & R since and dogs are doing well on it.

Re: Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

Would it not be okay that the fat is lower and the protein is still 30. I have noticed no change at this point. Still very small stools and solid. Dogs look fine. All blowing coats but arn't they all in this heat ?

Re: Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

Would it not be okay that the fat is lower and the protein is still 30. I have noticed no change at this point. Still very small stools and solid. Dogs look fine. All blowing coats but arn't they all in this heat ?

I would research other or similar foods to see what their fat content to protein ratio is for starters.

I wouldn't continue using a food that the manufacturer didn't give a heads up about a *new formula* but that's just me.

There could be a banner on the food reading, new, improved formula, if that's what they think it is. It would let the users know it's changed instead of having them read the label to check it.

Was the reason the OP compared labels because she noticed a difference in her dogs on Exceed?

Re: Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

Did PP send out a warning. I think someone came on here and said did you notice. Whats going on ?

Re: Any other Exceed users notice the formula change?

Have used Exceed for over 10 years. Yes, my bags have the new lower fat content. Funny though , dogs didn't notice! No change in anything except fat content, dogs are coming back in coat from their normal hot summer blow out. Sometimes, I think all the foodies here, like to scream , "THE SKY IS FALLING" !
No room for perfectionism in breeding dogs !