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Salmon & Reproduction Issues?

Has anyone heard of or had any issues with fertility while feeding a salmon based food? I had heard, a while back, that Salmon may be causing or contributing to missed breedings and/or small litters. Also... can anyone give advice on using Selenium and Folic Acid during breeding/pregnancy i.e. what the dose would be, when & how long to give them?
Thanks in advance!

Re: Salmon & Reproduction Issues?

I have fed PP SS&S because my girl doesn't like chicken based food-she just had a litter of 12-all at least one pound at birth.

Re: Salmon & Reproduction Issues?

I feed Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream. It is salmon based non grain food. My girl has had a litter of 8 and 10 puppies. I love this food.

Re: Salmon & Reproduction Issues?

I fed Orijen Six Fish to my girl.....11 problem here !!!