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Cool Bed III™

Anybody has any experience with them?


Re: Cool Bed III™

I have used the Coolbed in one version or another for a number of years. I have had the Coolbed III now for over 3 years and I love it. I use it at agility trials in my dog's crate. I bought the Med . size for a 24 by 36 inch crate.
Keep in on the cool basement floor between uses. It is a bit heavy but my girl always is comfortable on it.. in her crate with a Fan on her and Shade cloths over the tent or Van.

Well worth it IMHO.


Re: Cool Bed III™- Question

Thanks for the tip. I have been wanting to buy a mat for my "hot" black Labbie boy.
Do you think the Med. is big enough for cooling my 80# boy? I do want it to fit in his travel crate- which is a kennel Aire I think around the measurements you mentioned. I know the large bed is 44' and that wont fit.
Thank you